
apt /æpt/

adj. appropriate; suitable; fitting 恰當的,貼切的; having a tendency to do something; inclined; likely傾向於的;易於; quick to learn; clever 聰明的,反應靈敏的



【衍生詞】aptitude n. 傾向;才能;聰穎;適當

【常用片語】an aptitude test 性向測驗,智能測驗


amplify /ˈæmpləˌfaɪ/

v. to enlarge; to expand 擴大,放大;to develop more fully 詳述;to increase or to intensify (power, sound, etc.) 增強(電流等)


【推測詞義】使變得更大 (make larger or stronger),就是「放大,擴大」。

【衍生詞】ample adj. plentiful , abundant 充足的,豐富的


aesthetic /ɛsˈθɛtɪk/

adj. concerned with beauty 美的;美學的;appreciating beauty and beautiful things (指人)愛美的,有審美眼光的;pleasing;tasteful;artistic;showing good taste (指物)令人喜愛的,有美感的



【衍生詞】aesthetics n. the study of beauty in art and nature 美學;philosophy of beauty or taste 審美學;美的哲學


arcane /ɑrˈken/

adj. known only by a few; mysterious; secret; 神秘的;秘密的



【常用片語】arcane rituals 神秘的儀式

                    arcane customs 神秘的習俗

ad hoc /ˈæd ˈhɑk/

adj./ adv. used for specific or immediate needs; made for a particular purpose only; special (特別的(地);臨機應變的(地);針對某一目標的(地))

【詞源】拉丁文for this

【字彙淺析】ad hoc 指的是臨時組成、針對某項特定事務、事前並沒有先進行企劃。例如an ad hoc committee 臨時組成的特別委員會,ad hoc arrangements臨時性的準備、預備。在現今的公司或組織中,常常會to establish an ad hoc committee (組成特別委員會),來因應突如其來的變化。


*ardent /ˈɑrdənt/

adj. burning; hot 燃燒的,發熱的; eager; very enthusiastic; passionate; fervent 極熱心的,熱情的



【衍生詞】ardor n. zeal; great enthusiasm; eagerness 熱情,熱心


arid /ˈærɪd/

adj. very dry; parched (氣候、土地、地區等)乾燥的; barren; sterile 不毛的,貧瘠的



【常用片語】an arid land 旱地


articulate /ɑrˈtɪkjəˌlet/

v. to unite by joints 用關節接合起來; to pronounce distinctly; to enunciate 清晰地發音;to express oneself clearly; to clarify 清晰地表達(思想等)
adj. (of speech) clearly pronounced (指語言)發音清晰的


【推測詞義】articulate的原意是「分成一個個關節(divide into single joints)」。隱喻為發音時每一音

節皆可分開,然後音節彼此間又可以連接起來,如thank you其中k與you連起來唸。


amalgam /əˈmælgəm/

n. mixture or blend of different things 混合物; fusion 熔解物; an alloy of mercury with some other metal [化學]汞合金(水銀與銀、錫等的合金,用以填補牙齒等)

【詞源】來自阿拉伯文al malghama。本義為「汞合金」,隱喻為「混合物」。

【衍生詞】amalgamate v. to combine; to mix;to merge; to blend or unite in one body
將(公司、社團等)合併) ;使(階級、民族、社會、思想等)混和

amalgamation n. fusion, combination 融合;合併


audacious /ɔˈdeʃəs/

adj. bold or daring; fearless; brave 大膽的,無畏的;reckless; rudely bold 愚勇的,魯莽的; insolent; impudent; presumptuous 厚顏的,放肆的;無禮的


【推測詞義】源自拉丁語形容詞audax,拉丁語後綴-ax 借入英語後,一律拼成-acious。audax原意是


【衍生詞】audacity n. boldness 大膽;無畏;insolence厚顏無恥,無禮

【常用句子】A person with audacity is said to be audacious.


auction /ˈɔkʃən/

n. a public sale in which each thing is sold to the highest bidder 拍賣

v. to sell at an auction 拍賣



【詞源】古羅馬的拍賣程序是由買者對所售物品爭相加價,最後拍賣人接受其最高價格而成交。auction源於拉丁詞auctiō, augēre,其義為increase (增加),16世紀傳入英語。另一英語單詞augment (增大,增加)也源於augēre。


augment /ɔgˈmɛnt/

v. to enlarge in size or extent ; to expand; to increase in amount or intensity; to magnify; to amplify; to enhance (使)增大(尺寸、範圍、數量等),增加,(使)擴大



【衍生詞】augmentation n. expansion 擴大,增加

【常用片語】augmented reality (擴增實境,簡稱AR)


astound /əˈstaʊnd/

v. to shock with alarm or surprise; to surprise very greatly; to amaze 使(人)震驚;使驚駭《通常用被動》


【推測詞義】借自古法語estoner但源於俗拉丁語extonāre(ex-ˈoutˈ+tonāre ˈthunderˈ )原意指「用雷擊」。巨大的雷鳴聲,隱喻為「使人震驚」。

【衍生詞】astounding adj. astonishing; amazing; stunning; extremely surprising 令人驚駭的


astonish /əˈstɑnɪʃ/

v. to surprise greatly; to amaze; to astound 使(人)震驚,使驚訝《通常用被動》


【推測詞義】源自於俗拉丁語extonāre,從古法語estoner演變而來,其中該詞的前綴ad-被改變成as-,這種音變並不常見。原意指「用雷擊」(to strike with thunderbolt)。巨大的雷鳴聲,隱喻為「使人震驚」。


abolish /əˈbɑlɪʃ/

v. to do away with (a law,custom,etc.)completely; to terminate; to annul; to eliminate; to end廢除,




【衍生詞】abolitionist n. one who opposes the practice of slavery 奴隸制度廢除論者


academic /ækəˈdɛmɪk/

adj. relating to education,especially education  in universities; collegiate 學園的;大學的;高等教育的; scholastic; theoretical 學術上的;純理論的


【詞源】academy源於希臘哲學家柏拉圖(Plato)講學的學園,在雅典附近的一處林園(grove of Academe,並命名為Akademia)。

【常用片語】an academic year (大學的)學年

                       an academic degree 學位

                       academic freedom 學術自由


amiable /ˈemɪəbəl/

adj. friendly; agreeable; pleasant; affable; genial友好的;和藹的;親切的;good-natured好脾氣的




annoy /əˈnɔɪ/

v. to trouble; to irritate; to upset ; to vex 使苦惱;使不樂;to bother; to disturb 打擾;騷擾

【詞源】annoy原本用於軍事上,有「騷擾」、「破壞」等義。其詞源可追溯到拉丁語inodiāre ‘make loathsome’。但annoy借自古法語anoier ‘weary, vex’,其意為「以某種重複的動作使人苦惱或惱怒」。

【衍生詞】annoyance n. an angry or impatient feeling 惱怒;困擾

【常用片語】be annoyed with somebody 對(某人)生氣
                    be annoyed at something對(某物)苦惱

                    be annoyed by somebody被(某人)騷擾


artificial /ˌɑrtəˈfɪʃəl/

adj. man-made ; synthetic ;not natural 人工的;人造的;not real; false 非真實的,假的



【衍生詞】artifact n. an object made by human workmanship 人造物品,加工品;工藝品


authorize /ˈɔθəraɪz/

v. to give legal power to; to empower 授權;to give official permission for or approval to; to sanction 批准;正式認可



【衍生詞】authoritative adj. having authority 有權威的;trustworthy 可信賴的;official 官方的;當局的
【詞源】author的詞根源自於拉丁語動詞augere (增加),因此作家author有「誇大所描述事物的人」的涵意,而(學說、計畫等的)創始人author有「做決定或授權下令的權利」。
【常用片語】an authoritative dictionary.(一部具有權威,可信賴的字典)



*awesome /ˈɔsəm/

adj. extremely good; wonderful; terrific; impressive; amazing [口語]極好的;絕佳的;令人嘆為觀止的。

       causing awe; fearsome; formidable; majestic 引起敬畏或畏怯的;可怕的;有威嚴的


【推測詞義】原意為「可怕」 (terror, dread)。但在口語裡已弱化為「極好的,絕佳的」

【衍生詞】awe n. respect combined with wonder and fear (對神等的)敬畏;(對權勢等的)畏怯;



會逐漸失去其原義,而造成詞義弱化 (weakening of meaning),而帶有附加意義。例如
terrific 恐怖的→極佳的,絕妙的
magnificent 外觀宏偉的→了不起的,極佳的
awful 可怕的,驚人的→非常的,絕妙的
great 偉大的→太好了,極好極了



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