


例如a white day可譯為”白色的日子”,但在英國,白色往往表 示”純真”、”崇高”、”吉祥”、”幸福”之意。a white day意為”吉日” 或”喜慶的日字”。


(1)The president was treated to the red carpet in Rome. 總統在羅馬受到了隆重的接待。
(2)It was a red-letter day in the history of Chinese revolution. 這是中國歷史上值得紀念的日子。
(3)A thief was caught red-handed in the act of breaking open a lock. 一個竊賊在砸開鎖時被當場抓獲。
(4)You said that l am very good. Is my face red? 你說我很好,真使我難為情了。
(5)When he started criticizing my work,l really saw red. 當他批評我的工作時,我就冒火、發脾氣。
(6)There is too much red-tape in obtaining an identity card. 領身份證的手續實在太繁瑣了。 (7)They had to sell the firm because for years they had operated it in the red. 因為經營這家公司幾年來一直虧損,所以他們只好把它賣掉。
(8)We’ll soon be out of the red. 我們很快就會扭虧為盈。
(9)Every time he comes to New York,he wants to paint the town red. 每次來紐約,他都要痛飲一番。
 2. GREEN(綠色)
(10)He is still green to his job. 他對其工作尚無經驗。
(11)Do you see any green in my eye? 你認為我幼稚可欺嗎?
(12)lf you want to be a successful gardener,of course you've gotta have green fingers. 假如你想當個稱職的園工,那你就得有園藝技能。
(13)She is a green hand in teaching English. 在英語教學中,他還是個生手。
(14)Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip this summer. 媽媽准許我們今年夏天去野營一次。
(15)He has a green wound in the left breast. 他左胸上有一新傷口。
3. BLUE(藍色)
(16)He is proud of his blue blood. 他因出身名門貴族而驕傲。
(17)Things are looking extremely blue. 情況極其不妙。
(18)True blue will never stain. 真金不怕火煉。
(19)She ran and ran until she was blue in the face. 她跑啊跑啊,累得臉色發青精疲力竭。
(20)It's once in a blue moon that you get a chance like that. 你得到的是個千載難逢的機會。(21)He can read like a blue streak. 他看書極快。
(22)The bad news came like a bolt out of the blue。 這消息來得如晴天霹靂。
(23)John arrived out of the blue。 約翰突然來了。


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