embed /ɪmˈbɛd/
v. to insert;to set or fix in the mind firmly;to enclose closely in 把(物)嵌入;使深留(心中);埋於土中;【文法】插入(片語等)
embroil /ɛmˈbrɔɪl/
v. to involve in strife or in conflict;to throw into confusion;to confuse;to entangle 使捲入(爭論、糾紛)中;使(事件等)混亂;使(人)牽連
encompass /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/
v. to enclose;to envelop;to surround;to include;to contain 包圍;圍繞;包含;包括
encumber /ɪnˈkʌmbɚ/
v. to impede;to hinder;to hamper;to obstruct;to burden 阻礙;妨礙(某人的行動);拖累;使負擔(債務等)(常用被動語態)
【衍生詞】 encumbrance n. impediment 阻礙;累贅;妨礙物
unencumbered adj. 不受妨礙的
【常用句子】I am encumbered with debts. (我負債累累。)
*endanger /ɪnˈdændʒɚ/
v. to put in danger;to risk;to imperil;to threaten;to put in jeopardy;to jeopardize 危及;使危險
【衍生詞】endangered adj. (動植物)瀕臨絕種危險的 (endangered比threatened更加瀕臨滅絕邊緣)
【常用句子】The whale is considered an endangered species. (鯨魚被認為是瀕臨絕種的動物。)
*endeavor /ɪnˈdɛvɚ/
n. effort;exertion;attempt 努力;盡力
v. to struggle seriously or continually;to attempt or try to achieve something;to strive (為達到某一目的而)繼續努力做 (語氣比try強)
【推測詞義】將目標視為個人的責任,就會盡全力做到(put oneself in the duty)。
【常用片語】(to) make every endeavor (盡一切努力)
【常用句子】Please make every endeavor to be early. (請盡早到。)
*endorse /ɪnˈdɔrs/
v. to write or sign on the back of a check or a document 背書;(支票、票據等)簽署;to authorize;to approve;to support 認可;贊同;支持(意見等)
【衍生詞】endorsement n. sanction, approval 認可;贊同
【常用片語】endorsement form 連署表
*enlist /ɪnˈlɪst/
v. to engage (a person) for duty in the army;to join;to recruit (軍隊)徵募(士兵);從軍;加入
【推測詞義】放入士兵名單中(to put into the list),表示徵招此人為士兵。
【常用片語】(to) enlist in the army (入伍從軍)
【常用句子】John enlisted when he was 18. (約翰18歲就入伍從軍。)
entice /ɪnˈtaɪs/
v. to attract by offering some pleasure or reward;to lure or tempt;to seduce (以某種期望)引誘(某人);慫恿(某人)做
【衍生詞】enticing adj. 引誘的;有吸引力的
【常用片語】(to) entice a young girl away from home. (誘騙少女離家出走。)
embellish /ɪmˈbɛlɪʃ/
v. to beautify;to adorn;to decorate or enhance;to add fictitious details to a story or statement美化;裝飾;修飾;潤飾(文章等);(在文章、報告等)加油添醋
【推測詞義】源於古法語動詞embellir。要使(某物)更美麗,就得靠裝飾或潤飾(to make beautiful with ornamentation)。
【衍生詞】embellishment n. decoration;adornment (裝飾;潤飾)
【常用句子】John embellished his report with fictional data. (約翰以虛構的資料來潤飾他的報告。)
enact /ɪˈnækt/
v. to make (a bill) into law;to establish by law;to legislate 立法;使(法案)成立;to play;to act out (a role)上演(戲劇);扮演(角色)
【推測詞義】使(法律)行動就是要制定法律。 要(演員)動起來,就要扮演角色。
【衍生詞】enactment n. (法律之)制定;法令;法規
【常用片語】government enactment (政府法令)
enamor /ɪnˈæmɚ/
v. to cause to feel a strong fascination;to fill with love;to charm;to captivate 使傾心,使迷戀(通常用被動語態)
【衍生詞】enamored adj. in love;inflamed with love;charmed or fascinated 喜愛的;迷戀的
【常用片語】to be enamored of 傾心於;迷戀於 (= to be enchanted by)
encroach /ɪnˈkrotʃ/
v. to seize or acquire illegally;to invade;to trespass or intrude gradually on the rights, property, etc. of another 侵入;侵佔(財產、權利、領土等)
*endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/
v. to give money o property to provide an income for the support of a college, hospital, etc.);to grant;to give a large gift 捐贈(錢或物);捐贈基金給(學校、醫院等);to provide with some talent, quality, etc. (神、自然界)賦予,給予(才能、特質等)
【衍生詞】endowment n. funding;subsidizing (基金、財產等的)捐贈;a gift of nature;inherent;talent 天賦;天資(通常用複數形)
【常用片語】 a) men of great endowments (才能出眾之輩)
b) (to) establish endowments (設立捐贈基金(用複數形))
c) (to) endow a school / a hospital with a fund (捐一筆基金給學校/給醫院)
【常用句子】 Nature has endowed Mary with beauty and intelligence. (瑪莉天生美麗聰明。)
= Mary has been endowed with beauty ad intelligence.
*engender /ɪnˈdʒɛndɚ/
v. to bring about;to cause;to happen;to give rise to;to develop;to yeild 引起(緊張、暴力、爭吵等);使產生;使發生(某種狀態等)
【推測詞義】源自古法語,原意是生育子女(to give birth to, to beget),使子女生出生。
【常用句子】Angry words engender strife. (憤怒之言引發爭吵。)
*entail /ɛnˈtel/
v. to have as a necessary or logical consequence;to involve;to require;to necessitate;to cause 必然會隨之產生;必需;需求;【法律】限定繼承(財產)
【詞源探索】tail源於古法語taille,意思是「切、裁、剪(cut)」,現今與英語tally(符木、符契)有關。 古人在一塊符木上用刻痕記錄借貸金額或物品數量,一刻為二,借貸兩方各執其一,日後對驗。 直到19世紀,符木引申為符契,用符契限定繼承人,手執符契的人,需承擔權利和義務。直到19世紀,這個字才有現今「限制繼承(to put a tail on)」之意。
entitle /ɪnˈtaɪtḷ /
v. to give a title or a name to 給(文章、書籍等)命名為;to give a right to;to qualify (a person) to something 把…權利或資格給(某人)
【常用片語】to be entitled to = to be given the right to (給予權利或資格)
【常用句子】 a) The book is entitled Gone with the Wind. (這本書定名為《飄》。)
b) You are entitled to go to school. (你有就學的權利。)
entreat /ɪnˈtrit/
v. to make an earnest request;to ask earnestly;to plead for;to supplicate;to beg;to implore懇求;
【衍生詞】entreaty n. plea;supplication 懇求;乞求
【常用句子】Her father was deaf to her entreaty. (她父親對她的請求充耳不聞。)
envision /ɛnˈvɪʒən/
v. to see or picture in the mind;to imagine;to visualize;to conceive of預想;想像(未來);展望
3.3.3 與動詞綴合 (en + v = vt)
endure /ɪnˈdjʊr/
v. to put up with;to tolerate;to bear pain;to abide 忍耐,忍受;to last;to survive 持續,持久
【衍生詞】 enduring adj. lasting;durable 持久的
endurance n. ability to withstand hardship;duration 持久力;耐力
enhance /ɪnˈhæns/
v. to increase the value, cost, or beauty of something;to elevate;to augment;to add to增加;提高(價值、費用、吸引力等)
【推測詞義】於古法語enhaucier,意思是「使變大,使變高(make greater or higher)」。使升高或長高(to raise, to make higher)。
enlighten /ɪnˈlaɪtən/
v. to inform;to illuminate啟發;啟蒙;to give spiritual or intellectual insight to;to instruct 教導
ensue /ɪnˈsu/
v. to follow(usually as the result of something);to come after;to result 接著發生;接踵而來;因而產生
【推測詞義】源於古法語ensivre。跟上來,使隨之而來(follow close upon)。
【衍生詞】ensuing adj. subsequent;following 接踵而至的,接著的
entangle /ɪnˈtæŋgḷ/
v. to involve, especially in difficulty;to mix up;to intertwine 使捲入;使(某人)陷入(不好的事情之中);使纏住