目前分類:IELTS機經分享 (43)

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★ 雅思暑期班提供最詳細題庫(機經)/名師親編最常考教材/報名最高現折NT$4,500/ 07/16 開班囉★


Task 1:
The charts below show atypical Japanese office and a typical American office.

Task 2:
Nuclear energy is the best source of power in meeting ever-increasing energy needs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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★ 雅思暑期班提供最詳細題庫(機經)/名師親編最常考教材/報名最高現折NT$4,500/ 07/16 開班囉★


Task 2:

Some people think young people should be required to have full time education
until they are at least 18 years old.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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★ 雅思暑期班提供最詳細題庫(機經)/名師親編最常考教材/報名最高現折NT$4,500/ 07/16 開班囉★
內容概述:本篇為舊題。科學家透過訓練鸚鵡 Alex 說話和交流,證明某些動物比我們想像的更聰明,它們不僅可以懂得人類的動作指示,還能進行邏輯思維。他們也有自情感和脾氣,甚至可以用簡單的語言來表達自己的需求。然而其他科學家覺得動物沒有這種思維能力,認為要教也應該教猩猩,因為鸚鵡的大腦太小。這位科學家說,我教它不是想讓它說話,是想研究鳥類的認知能力。

題型分析:判斷題(T/F/NG), 填空題(Summary)

Minds of Their Own

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