apathy /ˋæpəθɪ/ n. 冷漠
Synonyms: impassiveness, indifference⋯⋯
a (without) + path (feeling) + y (n. )
pathetic adj. 可悲的
antipathy n. 厭惡
sympathy n. 同情
Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings. - Helen Keller
科學可能對大多數的惡行都找到了某種治療的方式;但對於最嚴重的惡行─人類的冷漠,卻始終沒有找到治療的方法。— 海倫‧凱勒
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apathy /ˋæpəθɪ/ n. 冷漠
Synonyms: impassiveness, indifference⋯⋯
a (without) + path (feeling) + y (n. )
pathetic adj. 可悲的
antipathy n. 厭惡
sympathy n. 同情
Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings. - Helen Keller
科學可能對大多數的惡行都找到了某種治療的方式;但對於最嚴重的惡行─人類的冷漠,卻始終沒有找到治療的方法。— 海倫‧凱勒
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