3.4 ab-, abs- (Latin)
【來源】前綴 ab-源自拉丁語介詞ab-,意思是「從(from)」、「偏離(away from)」、「離開(away,off)」。通常接在動詞及動詞衍生詞之前,有時也接在名詞或形容詞之前。
【變體】ab-接在拉丁詞根(root)之前,以詞素為界(morpheme boundary),ab-本身大部分都是非重讀音節,其所構成的詞彙會有音變的現象。
1. 詞根第一個字母為c或t時,把聲帶振動的濁音〔b〕放在聲帶不振動的清塞音〔k〕或〔t〕之前,要一口氣唸,發音會很不自然,為了讓發音容易,多插入一個摩擦清音〔s〕,變形為abs-。
ab- → abs- / ___ + c (如abscond)
ab- → abs- / ___ + t (如abstract)
2. 詞根第一個字母為唇音m或v,為避免bm或bv這兩個唇音在一起難以發音,刪除前唇音b,ab-就變形為a-,但這樣的常用詞不多。
ab- → a / ___ +
3. ab- → ab- /elsewhere (以上皆非) (如abstemious)
abstract v. /æbˈstrækt/ adj./ n. /ˈæbstrækt/
v. to draw; to take away ; to separate (提取;分離);to epitomize ; to summarize (寫出摘要)
adj. deep ; difficult to understand; abstruse (難以理解的,深奧的); ideal ; conceptual(觀念上的); transcendental ;not concrete (抽象的); theoretical (理論性的))
n. compendium; summary (摘要)
【推測詞義】抽取或抽離出來。譬如把具體的概念抽取出來(drawn away from a clear meaning),使它抽象地,或把大意從文章中抽離出來,寫成摘要。
【相關詞】abstraction /æbˈstrækʃən/ n. the act or procress of abstracting (取出,抽出);the act of drawing the attention away;absence of mind or preoccupation;(心不在焉;出神) formation of an abstract idea or term (抽象的概念)
abstemious /əbˈstimɪəs/
adj. sparing or moderate in eating and drinking; ((飲食)有節制的);temperate;austere ((生活)節儉的);restricted;very plain ((享樂)節制有度的,不耽溺的)
【推測詞義】在飲食、生活上有節制的人,都會遠離酒精類等強烈的飲料(away from strong drink)。
【常用片語】a) be abstemious in 在…方面節制
b) an abstemious (sparing) diet 適度的飲食
c) an abstemious (temperate) life 節儉的生活
abscond /əbˈskɑnd/
v. to leave secretly; to flee; to run away and hide,especially to escape the law (為躲避邢責、債務、法律制裁等)潛逃,逃亡
【推測詞義】逃跑並躲藏 (run away and hide)
【常用片語】to abscond with the money (捲款潛逃)
abrupt /əˈbrʌpt/
adj. sudden; unexpected (突然的); not flowing smoothly; disconnected ((文體、思想等)不流暢的);rude or brief in manner ; brusque; blunt curt ((態度、措詞等)唐突的,粗魯的); very steep; precipitous (陡峭的)
【推測詞義】破裂離開了( broken off ),也就是不連續的,隱喻為「突然的,出其不易的」。
absorbing /əbˈzɔrbɪŋ/
adj. extremely interesting; deeply engrossing (會吸收的;極有趣的,引人入勝的)
【衍生詞】to absorb v. to take or suck in吸收(液體、熱、光等);(fig) take in knowledge (喻)吸收(知識等)
abuse v./əˈbjuz/ n./əˈbjus/
v. to use wrongly; to misuse (濫用或妄用(權力、才能、地位等));to treat badly; to mistreat (虐待)
n. the wrong use of something; misuse (濫用); unjust custom or practice; corruption (弊病,陋習); cruel and violent treatment (虐待);bad or insulting language;cursing (辱罵,咒罵)
【推測詞義】偏離了正當的用法(use away from the proper way ),隱喻為「使用不當」、「濫用,誤用」。
【衍生詞】abusive adj. using curses (辱罵的,咒罵的)
【常用片語】use abusive language to somebody (辱罵某人,對某人惡言相向)
abnormal /əbˈnɔrməl/
adj. different from standard or norm; aberrant; anomalous; bizarre; irregular; eccentric; unusual; exceptional (反常的,異常的,變態的)
【推測詞義】偏離標準的,隱喻為「異常的」(away from the rule)
abundant /əˈbʌndənt/
adj. large in number; rich; plentiful; ample;copious 大量的,豐富的;充裕的
【衍生詞】abundance n. plenty (豐富;大量)
abundantly adv. in geat numbers ; generously (豐富地;大量地;充裕地)
abound v. exist in abundance ; be plentiful ; be full of (富足,富於,充滿)
abhore /əbˈhɔr/
v. hate very much ; detest utterly ; loathe ; abominate (厭惡,憎恨)
【推測詞義】abhore是個強烈的負面動詞。從令人討厭的事物 (如虐待兒童或動物、暴力、種族歧視主義等)中畏縮。(shrink from loathsomeness ; shrink back in terror)
【諺語】Nature abhors a vacuum = Nature is abhorrent of vacuum.