3.7 anti-
anti- → ant- / ___ + vowel / h (如antagonistic)
anti- → anti- / elsewhere
antagonistic /ænˌtægəˈnɪstɪk/
adj. opposite (相反的) ; mutually opposed; hostile;inimical ; adversarial (敵對的(to, towards),不相容的,對立的)
【衍生詞】antagonist n. enemy;rival;foe,opponent,adversary (對立者,敵對者)
antagonize v. make an enomy of (使成敵人,使敵對);oppose actively(竭力反對(議案))
【常用片語】be antagonistic towards new ideas (敵視新的觀念)
antithesis /ænˈtɪθəsɪs/
n. exact opposite (正相反); opposition; contrast of ideas (between A and B) (對立的事物;對照;對比)
【推測詞義】把對立的東西放置在一起對比。(one idea placed opposite another )
【衍生詞】antithetical adj. oppositional; opposite ; contrasted (正相反的;對立的,對照的)
【常用句】Joy is the antithesis of sorrow. (歡樂是苦惱的對立面。)
antidote /ˈæntɪˌdot/
n. a remedy for a poison (解毒劑); a remedy for any evil ((危害等的)矯正法,防止法)
【常用句】It’s an antidote, not a cure. (那只能治標,不能治本。)
Education is an antidote for ignorance. (教育是防止無知的方法)
3.8 ante-
【來源】源於拉丁語介係詞,意思是「在…之前(before, in front of ) [in time/ place]」。表示時間或空間的「前或先」。
antecedent /ˌæntɪˈsidənt/
adj. happening before;prior ;previous; preceding (在前的;在先的)
【推測詞義】走在前面的。(anything that goes before something else)
antecessor /ˌæntəˈsɛsɚ/
n. someone that comes before; predecessor (先驅者,前任) ; an ancestor; forefather (祖先;先人)
【衍生詞】ancestor n. forefather (祖先,祖宗)
ancestry n. grandparents and other ancestors (﹝集合用法﹞祖先;先人)
antedate /ˌæntɪˈdet/
v. to give an earlier date to a document , letter , event, etc than the one at the time of writing ((在文件、書信、事件上) 填寫較實際更早的日期);to occur before something else; to precede (較…先發生或先存在若干時間;居先)
n. date earlier than actual (落款的日期較實際日期早)
【字彙淺析】這個字常用在考古或歷史研究上,當新的發現把原本事件發生的時間往前提,若把日期延遲,則用postdate,例如:The 5,500-year-old one-piece shoe antedates Stonehenge by a millennium (這個5500年前的鞋子把巨石陣的建立日期往前提了1000年 原句引自CNN)。
anticipate /ænˈtɪsəˌpet/
v. to expect; to look forward to; to foresee; to realize beforehand (期待;預料;預期);to do before others do;to forestall (預先,搶先,占先一步)
【衍生詞】anticipation n. 預期,預料,期待
antediluvian /ˈæntɪdɪˈluvɪən/
adj. coming before the Flood described in the Bible ([聖經]諾亞時代的大洪水之前的); very old;prehistoric (上古的,古老的); antiquated; archaic; out of date (過時的)