
2         語音表意 (Sound Symbolism)

2.1    /b/

2.1.1           說話

雙唇濁塞音/b/是很容易發的音,發音時會使用雙唇,看到雙唇的移動意味著有人在說話,故有「說話」的意思,此外,嬰兒(baby)學習語言時是由雙唇音開始,其中ba就是嬰兒最早出現的音之一。例如babble (v. 幼兒牙牙學語;喋喋不休,其中用了三個b強調不斷模擬雙唇音)。


blatant /ˈbletənt/

adj. clamorous; unpleasantly loud and noisy (吵鬧的;喧嘩的);completely obvious;offensively conspicuous (極明顯的;顯眼的)


【推測詞義】源自拉丁語動詞blaterāre ‘to babble,chatter’,為英國詩人斯賓塞(Edmund Spenser,1552~1599)所創的新字。有喋喋不休地(blatter)閒聊(chatter)說大話。


banal /bəˈnæl/

adj. commonplace; hackneyed; stale; unoriginal; ordinary; insipid; prosaic; trite (平庸的;陳腐的;無新意的)


【推測詞義】ban (說話→宣告→威脅性宣告→禁令)。中世紀的莊園中,莊園主會頒布一些公告(proclaim)來規範一些賦稅後方可使用的公共器材,這類的公告就叫做ban,日子久了,ban就有了規範及禁止的意思。而banal則是因為被規範的器材大多是常見到的葡萄榨汁機(winepress),烤爐(oven)或磨坊(mill)等,所以有了「無新意的、平庸」的意思。

【衍生詞】banality n. 平凡;陳腐


banish /bᴂnɪʃ/

v. to send away; to expel; to exile; to outlaw ; to deport ((將人)驅逐出境;放逐)



【常用片語】banish somebody from the country (驅逐出境,放逐)


2.1.2           阻礙、約束、鼓脹

子音/b/發音前,雙唇需緊閉,氣流受到阻擋無法自口腔逸出,此一動作即暗示了/b/這個聲音有「阻礙」、「妨礙」、「約束」之意。例如bind (v. 綁住)。由於氣流阻塞在口腔內,發音者的雙頰會鼓起,因此可用來表示「鼓脹」的動作,如bulge (v. 膨脹)。

baffle /ˈbæfəl/

v. to bewilder; to perplex; to puzzle publicly(困惑);to hinder; to balk; to thwart; to frustrate (阻礙,阻撓)

【詞源】源自蘇格蘭語,原意是「使受羞辱,出醜」(disgrace publicly)。中世紀某個騎士做些不名譽的事,他的盾形紋章將被塗污,他的矛將被折斷,而他本人則公開嘲弄受辱。


barrier /ˈbærɪɚ/

n.a bar or fence that stops people or vehicles from entering a place; barricade;obstacle; obstruction; hurdle; hindrance (柵,籬,防禦柵,(國境上的)關卡;障礙)



【常用片語】trade barriers 貿易壁壘        language barriers 語言障礙


bondage /ˈbɑndɪdʒ/

n. the state of being a slave; slavery (奴役,奴役的身分);captivity(囚禁)




boundary /ˈbaʊndəri/

n. a dividing line; border (邊界,邊線);limits (界限,範圍)



【衍生詞】bound (常用複數) n. limit; constraint (界限,邊界線)      

                boundless adj. infinite (無限的,無窮的)


bridle /ˈbraɪdəl/

v. to harness; to curb or control; to restrain; to inhibit (套上馬勒,隱喻為「抑制;控制;約束」)

n. a head harness for guiding a horse (馬勒(指全部馬具,包括馬籠頭、馬銜、韁繩等))


bulk /bʌlk/

n. the large size of someone or something (大身軀;龐然大物); majority (大批,大多數); the mass, volume ,or size of something large ((巨大物品的)體積;容積)

【常用片語】the bulk of 大部分;大半

【衍生詞】bulky adj. huge (體積龐大的;肥胖的)


boast about /bost/

v. to speak proudly (usually of oneself ) about;brag (自誇;誇耀)

【衍生詞】boastful adj. bragging (自誇的)

【詞源】源自印歐語原始詞根IE *bhou-意思是「膨脹,吹脹」 (grow,swell)


boost /bust/

v. to give a helping hand (援助,聲援)

to lift or to push upward; to raise by a push (往上推,提高)

n. a push from below; a push upward  ( (價格、薪資、生產、銷售、稅等的)提高,增加、上升)

    【常用例句】John boosted our morale with words of encouragement.


bold /bold/

adj. brave ; courageous; daring; audacious (大膽的;有膽識的); very bright, clear, or strong in color and therefore easy to notice; striking; conspicuous ((顏色、線條、造型等)鮮明的,醒目的);brazen; insolent (厚顏無恥的,厚臉皮的)




brew /bru/

v. to make beer; to ferment (釀造啤酒等);to make (tea,coffee,etc.)by boiling(泡茶、咖啡等);to plan(mischief, trouble,etc.)策劃(陰謀等);to begin to develop ( (風暴等)醞釀(常用進行式) )




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