combust /kəmˈbʌst/
v. to burn;to burst into flame;to ignite (使) 燃燒
【衍生詞】combustible adj. flammable;easily burned 可燃的,易燃的
commentary /ˋkɑmən͵tɛrɪ /
n. a series of explanatory notes 註解;註釋:集注;(廣播的) 解析,評論;spoken description of an event as it happens (廣播員對球賽等的) 實況報導
【衍生詞】comment n. remart that explains, praises, or criticizes something 評論
【常用片語】 a) No comment! ((對於詢問) 無可奉告)
b) a news commentary on TV (電視的時事評論)
c) a commentary on the Bible (《聖經》注釋)
corroborate /kəˈrɑbəˌret/ verify (a statement, theory, belief, etc.); to confirm;to validate;to substantiate 確證;證實 (陳述、理論、信仰等)
【推測詞義】要使 (想法、信仰、理論等) 非常強而有力,得靠另一種想法、信仰等來支持或證實 (to strengthen one statement by another)。
【衍生詞】corroboration n. confirmation 確證
*corrode /kəˈrod/
v. to destroy gradually;to impair steadily;to wear away;to deteriorate 腐蝕(心靈等);侵蝕;損害
【衍生詞】 corrosive adj. eating away gradually by chemicals or disease 腐蝕 (性) 的
corrosion n. gradual wearing away, especially of metals 腐蝕(作用)
cognitive /ˈkɑgnɪtɪv/
adj. of the action or process of knowing 認識的;【心理】認知 (作用) 的
【常用片語】cognitive psychology (認知心理學)
【註】形容詞尾 –ive多加在 [s]或 [t]為尾音之詞根後。
*concede /kənˈsid/
v. to grant as a right or privilege 給予,授予 (權利、特權等);to acknowledge defeat in election (不情願地) 承認;承認 (競選、比賽等) 失敗;to surrender or yield;to give up (無奈地) 讓步;退讓
【衍生詞】concession n. the act of conceding讓步
【常用片語】(to) concede defeat (承認輸了)
*concise /kənˈsaɪs/
adj. brief and to the point, especially in expression or statement;terse;pithy;laconic;compact簡明的;簡潔的
【推測詞義】把(繁瑣的部份)全部切掉 (cut short)
【常用片語】a concise report (簡潔的報告)
*confirm /kənˈfɝm/
v. to make certain;to corroborate;to verify 證實(傳聞、猜疑、陳述等);(旅客向航空公司,旅館等查證所訂機票、房間無誤的) 確認;to ratify;to sanction (法律) 批准,認可 (任命、條約等);to reinforce;to strengthen 加強,鞏固 (決心等)
【常用片語】 a) a confirmed disease (痼疾)
b) a confirmed bachelor (抱定終身不娶的單身漢)
console /kənˈsol /
v. to soothe;to relieve;to comfort;to assuage 安慰(某人);慰問
【衍生詞】consolation n. comfort;solace 安慰;慰問
【常用片語】 a) a consolation prize 精神獎 (安慰獎)
b) consolation money 慰問金
conserve /kənˈsɚv/
v. to protect from harm or destruction;to preserve 保護;保存;to store;to save 儲存
【推測詞義】完全保持或守住 (原狀) ,意謂「保存」、「保護」。
【衍生詞】conservation n. preservation保存;(動物、森林等)自然資源的保護
conservative adj. tending to preserve the status quo;opposed to great change 保守的,守舊的
*considerable /kənˈsɪdərəbəl/
adj. worth considering 值得考慮的;important;significant;substantial 重要的;large;much;great in amount or size 大量的
【衍生詞】considerably adv. a great deal;significantly 相當大地
considerate adj. thoughtful 體諒的,關心的
*consolidate /kənˈsɑlɪˌdet/
v. to strengthen 鞏固;強化;to merge;to join;to combine;to unite (公司)結合;合併;統一
【推測詞義】把 (某物) 聯為一體,進而「合併」。要完整不受到損害,務必要「全面地強化」
【相關字】uncosolidated adj. loose 鬆散的
*conspicuous /kənˈspɪkjʊəs/
adj. easy to notice (look at);striking;noticeable;obvious 顯而易見的;顯眼的;明顯的
*constant /ˈkɑnstənt/
adj. continuous;lasting 不斷的;持久的;stable;unchanging 始終如一的;unchangingly faithful;loyal 忠誠的;堅貞的
*constituent /kənˈstɪtʃuənt/
adj. component 構成(全體)的
n. an essential part or element;ingredient;component 組成的要素;成分
【推測詞義】(成分) 全部站出來
*constitute /ˈkɒnstɪtjut/
v. to form a whole;to make up構成,組成 (常用被動態);to establish;to set up (a law, institution, etc.) 制定 (法律、制度等)
【衍生詞】(to) be constituted of (由…組成)
*contemplate /ˈkɑntəm ˌplet/
v. to think about intently;to meditate;to ponder;to muse 深思熟慮;沉思;to look thoughtfully;to gaze (沉思地)注視;靜觀
【詞源】古羅馬人每有重大決定之前,先請占卜師預卜吉凶,占卜師 (augur) 先伸出手,劃出一片空間,然後就在這裡靜觀鳥的飛行並沉思占卜吉凶。劃出的這片空間拉丁語稱為 templum。【衍生詞】contemplative adj. thoughtful;meditative 沉思的;愛思考的
【用法】contemplate其後要用動名詞,不接不定詞 [思考日常生活瑣碎的雜事用think of,不用contemplate。]
【例】I am contemplating traveling to Korea.
I am contemplating to travel to Korea. (誤)
*contentious /kənˈtɛnʃəs/
adj.quarrelsome;argumentative;controversial (人) 好爭吵的;(人) 愛爭論的;(問題等) 引起爭論的
【相關字】contention n. quarrel;dispute;controversy 爭論
*convert /kənˈvɝt/
v. to turn;to change;to transform 轉變,轉換;to change belief, especially regarding religion;to turn from one belief to another 改信 (其他宗教)
【衍生詞】 conversion n. change;transformation 改變;轉變
conversely adv. on the other hand 想反地,反之
convict /kənˈvɪkt/
v. to prove or declare (a person) guilty;to sentence 定罪;判罪
【推測詞義】(罪犯) 被證據完全征服就是定罪 (find guilty)。
【衍生詞】conviction n. a formal declaration that someone is guilty 判罪
3.4 contra (Latin), counter (French)
【來源】源自於拉丁文介系詞contrā,意思是「反對 (against)、相對 (opposite)、對應 (corresponding)」。現在英語,表示「反對、對應、相對」的前綴共有三個:anti- 借自希臘語,contra- 借自拉丁語,counter- 借自古法語countre,例如:counterclockwise (adj./adv. 逆時針方向的(地))。其中只有前綴counter- 後來演變成動詞 counter (v. 反對,對抗,違反(act against))。
【變體】前綴contra- 經過古法文雙母音化後,轉變成有同樣意義的前綴counter- 。
3.4.1 反對(against)
*contradict /ˌkɑntrəˈdɪkt/
v. to speak against;to be contrary to;to oppose;to disagree;to gainsay;to refute;to be at variance with 反駁或反對 (某人);駁斥;(陳述、行動) 與…矛盾
【推測詞義】說相反的話 (to speak against),便是反駁或反對
【衍生詞】contradiction n. denial;inconsistency;paradox 反駁;否認;言辭上的矛盾
contradictory adj. conflicting;opposing;inconsistent反駁的;相反的;矛盾的
【常用片語】(to) contradict oneself (自相矛盾)
*controversial /ˌkɑntrəˈvɝʃəl/
adj. causing controversy;debatable;argumentative;disputatious;contentious 引起爭議的;好爭論的
【推測詞義】轉相反的方向,表達出意見相互對立 ((opinions) truned against each other)
【衍生詞】controversy n. a dispute;disagreement (指紙上的) 爭論
【常用片語】a controversial issue (有爭議的問題)
counterfeit /ˋkaʊntə ͵fɪt /
adj. false;fake;sham;phony 偽造的;仿造的;假冒的
v. to make deceitful imitation;to copy;to imitate (coins, pictures, handwriting, etc.) 偽造;仿造
【常用片語】a counterfeit five-dollar bill (一張五元的假鈔)
3.4.2 相對(opposite)
*contrary /ˈkɑntrəri/
adj. opposed;antagonistic;opposite;in conflict with 相反的;對抗的;不相容的
【衍生詞】contrariwise adv. opposite 相反地;反方向地