consensus /kənˈsɛnsəs/
n. general agreement in feeling or belief;agreement in opinion;accord;concord;unanimity 一致的意見;(團體的) 共識
【推測詞義】(一群人)有共同的感覺或想法 (common feeling or thinking),意指「一致的意見或共識」。
consistent /kənˈsɪstənt/
adj. constant;regular;unchanging;compatible (言行、文章等) 前後一致的;一貫的;不變的
【推測詞義】仍然在一起的狀態,表示 (言行) 立場一致。-ent可作為形容詞尾,通常接在動詞之後,表示「具有某種狀態的」。
【衍生詞】inconsistent adj. containing contradictory elements;not compatible (言行等) 不一致的;前後
矛盾的;(人) 沒有定見的;erratic 反覆無常的
consist v. to be formed or compossed (由部分、因素) 組成,構成 (用介詞of);to exist in
harmony 存在於 (用介詞in)
consonant /ˈkɑnsənənt/
adj. agreeing;consistent;accordant 一致的;in harmony;harmonious in tone 調和的;【音樂】諧和音的
【推測詞義】一起發聲,意指「與(大家)聲音一致的 (sounding together)」。音樂上則指「諧和音的」。
*conspire /kənˈspaɪɚ/
v. to plan togheher secretly;to commit an unlawful or harmful act;to plot共謀,策劃陰謀
【衍生詞】conspiracy n. scheme;intrigue;plot同謀,陰謀
*constrain /kənˈstren/
v. to limit or restrict someone’s freedom to do what you want;to inhibit;to deter 抑制或拘束(某人);to force someone to do something;to compel;to oblige (常用被動) 強迫 (某人) 做某事
【推測詞義】緊緊綁在一起 (tie tightly together) 使不自由,就是「抑制」某些人的行動或「逼迫」某些人做某事。
【衍生詞】constraint n. compulsion;limitation;restriction 強迫;拘束
【常用片語】 a) to constrain oneself (自我約束)
b) to be constrained to do something (被迫做某事;不得不做某事)
contaminate /kənˈtæməˌnet/
v. to make impure 使…受污染;to pollute;to defile弄髒,污染
【衍生詞】contaminated adj.made dirty or polluted 受污染的
【常用片語】contaminated river (受污染的河川)
*contemporary /kənˈtɛmpəˌrɛrɪ/
adj. occurring in the present ;modern 現代的;當代的;coexisting;coeval;belonging to the same age or period of time (指人或作品) 同時代的,同時期的。
n. person of the same period or age;coeval 同時代的人,當代的人
【推測詞義】指人或作品在共同的時間(together in time);同時的,若指事件,則用contemporaneous
【常用片語】 a) contemporary literature (當代文學)
b) A be contemporary with B (A與B是同一時代的)
c) contemporaneous events (同時發生的事件)
*contemptuous /kənˈtɛmptʃuəs/
adj. scornful;disdainful;supercilious 輕蔑的;瞧不起的 (與of連用);haughty;arrogant 傲慢的
【衍生詞】contempt n. scorn 輕視;輕蔑
【常用片語】(to) be contemptuous of ((人)對…表瞧不起的態度)
contented /kənˈtentəd/
adj. showing content and satisfied;happy and satisfied 滿意的,心滿意足的
【衍生詞】contentment n. happiness, satisfaction 滿足;知足
【諺語】Happiness lies in contentment. (知足常樂)
【常用片語】 a) a contented look (滿意的表情)
b) a contented smile (心滿意足的微笑)
c) an easily contented child (易於滿足的孩子)
contingent /kənˈtɪndʒənt/
adj. conditional 有條件的;accidental;fortuitous;possible 偶然的;意想不到的;可能發生的
【衍生詞】contingency n. 偶發事件,意外事件;偶然性
【常用片語】 a) (to) be contingent upon (視…狀況而定)
b) a contingent event (意外事件)
c) (to) prepare against contingencies (預防萬一)
*contract n. /ˈkɑntrækt/ v. /kənˈtrækt/
n. a written or spoken agreement (買賣、承包的) 契約
v. to narrow in scope;to draw together;to reduce;to restrict使 (金屬、肌肉等) 收縮、使縮小;to make a contract 訂契約,承包
【推測詞義】(將簽約的兩造)拉到一起 (pull them together into an agreement)
【衍生詞】contraction n. reduction 縮短,收縮
*convene /kənˈvin/
v. to call (people) to come together;to gather;to assemble;to meet 集合,召集 (會議等);(人) 集會
【推測詞義】一起來集會 (come together to assemble)
【常用片語】(to) convene a press conference (召開一場記者招待會)
*conventional /kənˈvɛnʃənəl/
adj. common;unoriginal;usual老套的;常見的;following customs and standards;based on convention因循慣例的;traditional;customary;orthodox 傳統的;慣例的
*convergence /kənˈvɝdʒəns/
n. the point at which things converge;meeting;gathering 向一點匯集;集中點;會合
【衍生詞】converge n. to move closer;to come or gather together at a point 會合;匯集,集中於一點
*convey /kənˈve/
v. to transport;to carry;to deliver 運輸,運送;conmmunicate(向某人) 傳達 (思想、訊息、感情等);to tell;to express message 表達
【推測詞義】原指與某人一起走路護送某物。vey,voy都源於拉丁語名詞via ‘road, way’ (道路,途徑),而英語vey,voy的拼法也是受到古法語的影響;因此convey與convoy的詞源都相同,意思都是「護送」。
【衍生詞】conveyance n. vehicle 運輸 (工具)
【常用片語】a public conveyance 大眾運輸工具
*convoluted /ˈkɑnvəˌlutɪd/
adj. intricate;complicated;tangled;extremely involved 錯綜複雜的
3.3.2 與…一起(with)
*conform /kənˈfɔrm/
v. to act according to a rule or law;to obey;to comply (對規則、習俗、社會規範)遵從,順從;to agree;to harmonize;to match;to accord適應;與…一致,符合
【衍生詞】conformity n. agreement;harmony符合;一致;遵從(規則、習俗等)
【常用片語】 a) (to) conform to v. (to) square with 符合,一致
b) in conformity with (與…一致,遵從)
congenital /kənˈdʒɛnətḷ/
adj. present at birth;inborn;innate【醫】(疾病、缺陷等)先天的;與生俱來的
【推測詞義】與生俱來的 (born with)
【注意】congenial (友善的;志趣相投的) 與congenital拼法與語意上的差異
contour /ˈkɑnˌtʊr/
n. outline of a figure;form;configuration;characteristic (物體、人物、圖形的)輪廓、外型;【語音】音調曲線
【推測詞義】tour (轉)源自古法語tour。運用畫筆轉動(turn around)的線條來構成物體或人體的「輪廓或外形」。
*copious /ˈkopɪəs/
adj. very plentiful;ample;abundant 大量的,豐富的
【推測詞義】帶有很充沛的量(having much wealth)。Ops是農神之妻,她是權力,財富,豐收之神。
coordinate / koˋɔrdṇɪt/ (adj.) / koˋɔrdṇ ˌet/ (v.)
adj. of the same order or importance;equal in rank;equivalent 同等的;同位的;【文法】對等的
v. to adjust various parts to have harmonious action;to harmonize 使協調運作;調整
【常用片語】coordinate conjunction (對等連接詞)
3.3.3 非常、十分、完全(intensively, completely)
*complacent /kəmˈplesṇt/
adj. self-satisfied;overly pleased with oneself;contented 自滿的;自豪的;自鳴得意的
【推測詞義】非常高興 (使自己) 滿意的。
【衍生詞】complacency n. self-satisfaction;contentment自滿
complaisant /kəmˈplezənt/
adj. polite 有禮的;compliant;pliable;affable;willing to please others 順從的;慇懃的;和藹的
【推測詞義】盡全力使人高興,討好於他人。源自法語plaisant /plɛˈzã/ adj. pleasant。
*comprehensive /ˌkɑmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/
adj. covering completely or broadly;exhaustive;inclusive 廣泛的;綜合的;理解力的
【衍生詞】comprehend v. understand 充分理解;include包含
【常用片語】comprehensive national strategy (全面的國家策略)
*comply /kəmˈplaɪ/
v. to act in accordance (with a request, order, rule, etc.);to abide by;to conform to;to yield (對要求、命令、規範等)順從;依從;遵從(與with連用)
【推測詞義】完全填滿、滿足某人 (fulfill),就必須遵守其規範。
【衍生詞】compliant adj. submissive;yielding 順從的:遵從的