3.1.2 離開 (away, off, out)
decipher /dɪˈsaɪfɚ/
v. to decode 破解(密碼等);to interpret;to explain 解釋(古代文字、難以理解的事物等)
【詞源探索】cipher最早源於阿拉伯文中的sifr ,意思是「零(zero),無(empty)」。演變過程如下:
cipher < ME cifre < OF cifre < ML cifra < Arab sifr ‘zero, empty’
*decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/
adj.definite;critical;crucial 有決定性的;resolute;firm 明確的,果斷的
【推測詞義】若四個選項砍掉三個,只剩最後一個。趕快切除猶豫(cutting off hesitating),決定選最後一個選項。decisie表示「決心的」,通常只用於修飾事物。
【常用片語】 a) decisive power (決定權)
b) decisive blow (決定性一擊)
*dedicate /ˈdɛdɪket/
v. to devote 奉獻,獻身;把(自己、一生等)獻給(to);to commit one’s energies 把(時間、精力等)用於;to declare (a boo, a play, etc.) to be in honor of (esp. a person) 題獻詞於(書、藝術作品等)上
【推測詞義】宣告為某事獻身,就須與(親友)訣別。 把書「獻」給某人。
【衍生詞】dedication n. devotion to a cause 奉獻;獻身;(書、作品前部的)獻詞;題詞
【常用片語】Dedicated to my parents. (謹以此書獻給我的雙親。)
【常用句子】Dr. Smith dedicated himself/his life to finding a cure. (史密斯醫生奉獻自己/一生於探索一種療法。)
debilitate /dɪˈbɪləˌtet/
v. to make weak or feeble;to impair the strength of;to weaken 使(身體)衰弱或虛弱;耗損(體力)
debunk /diˈbʌŋk/
v. to expose the false or exaggerated claims 揭露(制度、思想、名人等的)真相;揭穿(假面目等)
【推測詞義】遠離假話,意指戳破謊言,有揭穿之意 (take the bunk out of)。
*deceit /dɪˈsit/
n. cheating;fraud or lie;duplicity;a dishonest trick (蓄意的)欺騙(行為);詐欺;詭計
【衍生詞】deceitful adj. insincere;false;mendacious 虛假的;apt to lie or cheat 欺騙(性)的
【注意】cap- 是拉丁語動詞capere ‘take’的詞根,而capt是它的過去分詞的詞根,借入古法語後就變成動詞ceiv和名詞ceit的模樣。
*deceptive /dɪˈsɛptɪv/
adj. deceiving;deceitful;delusive 騙人的,迷惑人的;misleading;fallacious使人誤解的;靠不住的
【衍生詞】deceive v. to cheat;to mislead;to entrap 欺騙;誤導
deception n. the act or practice of deceiving 騙術(可指非蓄意,但行為誤導別人而使人受騙)
【常用句子】 a) Here is no deception. (沒騙你。)
b) Appearances are deceptive. (人不可貌相。)
*defect / dɪˋfɛkt /
n. blemish;flaw;shortcoming 缺陷;缺點;弱點;瑕疵
【推測詞義】做的離開了(所定的標準) (away from being well done or made),(與標準有距離)在本質上就不完美。
【衍生詞】defective adj. faulty;imperfect 有缺點(瑕疵)的;不完美的
【常用諺語】Everyone has the defects of his qualities[virtues]. (每一個人都有伴隨其優點的缺點。)
*defer2 /dɪˈfɚ/
v. to postpone;to put off;to delay 暫緩;延期
【衍生詞】deferment n. postponement 延期;【美式】(兵役的)緩徵
*defiant /dɪˈfaɪənt/
adj. bold;openly disobedient;disregardful;boldly resisting;challenging (公然)反抗的;不服的;挑釁的;(對於命令等)藐視的
【衍生詞】defy v. to resist boldly or openly;to refuse to obey (公然)違抗;(事物)抗拒;to refuse to
show respect to藐視;to challenge the power of挑戰
defiance n. open disobedience;challenge 違抗;反抗;藐視;挑戰
deficiency /dɪˈfɪʃənsɪ/
n. lack of something needed;shortage;scarcity 缺乏,不足;defect;fault;flaw 缺陷,缺點
deflect /dɪˈflɛkt/
v. to bend or turn aside;to deviate;to divert 打歪,使(子彈)偏斜
delegate n. /ˈdɛləgɪt/ v. /ˈdɛləˌget/
n. a person acting for another;representative (派遣參加會議等的)代表;代表團團員
v. to send or commision as a representative;to entrust as an agent 委派(某人)做…
【衍生詞】delegation n. 代表團
【常用片語】agricultural delegation (農業代表團)
deluge /ˈdɛljudʒ/
n. flood 大洪水;a heavy rain 豪雨
v. to submerge;to overwhelm with flood 淹沒;to inundate with a great quantity of something 蜂擁而至
demise /dɪˈmaɪz/
n. death;end 死亡,活動的結束
*deplete /dɪˈplit/
v. to decrease seriously;to consume;to drain;to empty wholly or partly; to exhaust (儲蓄、資源等)劇減;使枯竭;耗盡
【推測詞義】不滿(take away from full)。
【衍生詞】depletion n. the gradual using up (resources, funds, etc.) 枯竭;耗盡
deprecate /ˈdɛprəˌket/
v. to disapprove;to protest against 反對;不贊成;to belittle;to denigrate 貶低;輕視
【推測詞義】原意是用來驅離惡魔的禱文,故其古意為「祈福、祈求消災」,也就是反對災難,現詞意擴大隱喻為「對…表示反對,不贊成」,但在口語上常用protest against。
【衍生詞】deprecatory adj. disapproving 反對的
derogate /ˈdɛrəˌget/
v. to lower in esteem;to disparage;to detract;to deprecate;to vilify 貶低或減損(價值、名譽等)
【衍生詞】derogatory adj. belittling;vilifying;detracting 貶低的;減損價值的
【常用句子】Such shameful behavior will derogate from the fame of his family. (這種可恥的行為有損他家門楣。)
despicable /ˋdɛspɪkəbḷ /
adj. contemptible;deserving to be despised 可鄙的;mean 卑劣的
【推測詞義】往下看(look down upon),隱喻為「使人看不起」。
*designate /ˈdɛzɪɡnet/
v. to appoint;to assign;to nominate 指派,任命;to mark out;to indicate;to specify 標示;標明;to entitle;to name;to identify命名,稱呼
【衍生詞】desingation n. act of marking out 指示;標明;a name or title 稱號
【常用句子】Mr. Tillerson has been designated as Secretary of State. (提勒森先生已被任命為國務卿。)
【常用片語】 a) designated hitter (指定打擊者)
b) designated spots (指定地點)
*despondent /dɪˈspɑndənt/
adj. depressed;hopeless;downcast;unhappy;very disheartened or dejected 失望的;灰心的;沮喪的
【衍生詞】despond v. to lose courage or hope 失望;灰心;沮喪
【常用句子】Don’t despond. (別灰心)
*detachment /dɪˈtætʃmənt/
n. separation 分離;objectivity;indifference to worldly concerns 超然,客觀;freedom from bias or self-interest 公正無私;無偏見
【衍生詞】detach v. to separate;to disconnect分開;分離(from)
detached adj. emotionally removed;calm and objective;indifferent超然的;客觀的;公正的
【常用片語】a detached point of view (客觀的觀點)
*detect /dɪˈtɛkt/
v. to find;to uncover;to notice or to discover something 查出;發現(壞事等);察覺
【衍生詞】detectable adj. measurable 可察覺的;apparent 明顯的
detector n. 偵測器
【常用片語】a lie detector (測謊器)
*deter /dɪˈtɝ /
v. to restrain by fear;to inhibit from action;to check;to prevent;to discourage 嚇住(from);阻止;使打消念頭
【推測詞義】使(人)恐懼而離開 (frighten away)
【衍生詞】deterrent n. something that discourages;restraint;hinderance 阻止物;威攝力量
【常用句子】Fear deterred me from going. (恐懼使我不敢過去。)
*detrimental /ˌdɛtrəˈmɛntḷ /
adj.damaging;harmful;pernicious;noxious;deleterious 有害的;不利的
【衍生詞】detriment n. harm;damage;disadvantage損害;損傷;不利
【常用句子】John drank a lot, to the detriment of his health. (約翰喝得太多,有損他的健康。)
*deviate /ˈdivɪˌet/
v. to turn away from an established way;to stray;to digress;to depart (從規範、準則、航線等)脫軌;背離;偏離(from)
【衍生詞】deviation n. a turning away from an established way;departure;difference 背離;偏離;(統計的)偏差,誤差
【常用片語】 a) (to) deviate from the fact (與事實不合)
b) (to) deviate from the rules of syntax (不合句法規則)