[請益] 一題重播題
本題文法的確有瑕疵, 但是我們在講中文的時候也會偶爾出錯, 老師的正確回應是:
Well, it's not exactly something we teach in class. 但是語言本就是溝通的工具,
各位將來在美國大學遇到的教授很可能是non native speakers. 他們的英文不會比你好
到哪裡去, 所以能夠表達意思就好啦.
男生表示功課有困難, 老師表示理解因為上課沒有講過. B選項是對的.
(以上內容由美加 江璞老師提供)
※ 引述《waterfire (嘿嘿)》之銘言:
: 我作ETS線上測試遇到一題conversation重播題不太懂
: 題目如下(擷取):
: Student : I'm glad I came to see you before I turn this in.
: I guess that I have to do some more work on it.
: Professor : Well, it's not exactly something we teach course in.
: Student : Ok (laughing), professor Haskel, thanks for your help.
: Professor : You're welcome.
: 題目是 "Well, it's not exactly something we teach course in" 這句話的目的
: A. to encourage the student to do more work independently
: B. to show understanding for the student's concerns
: C. to recommend that the student take a course at another university
: D. to imply that people are unfamiliar with the student's research topic
: 答案是 B
: 雖然好像只有B可以選,不過不太懂那句話的意思,不知道有沒有大大可以稍微解釋一下
: 大感謝