3.3.1 合在一起地,全部地(jointly, together)
comparable /ˈkɑmpərəbəl/
adj. capable of or suitable for comparison (可比較的); equivalent (比得上的); similar (類似的)
compatible /kəmˈpætɪbəl/
adj. able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict (可共存的); well suited; consistent; reconcilable (相容的,適合的)
【衍生詞】incompatible adj. incapable of coexisting; discordant; incongruous; inconsistent (無法共存的;不能相容的;(個性、性情、血型等)合不來的;(與某事物)不一致的)
compensate /ˈkɑmpɛnˌset/
v. to give something in recognition of loss; to repay; to reimburse; to make up for a deficiency (補償,賠償);to counterbalance; to balance (彌補);to pay for work performed (酬報)
【衍生詞】compensation n. 補償(或賠償)物;賠償金;報酬;代償
competent /ˈkɑmpɪtənt/
adj. capable; able; adept; proficient (有能力的); adequate; acceptable and satisfactory (足夠的); fit; suitable (能勝任的)
【衍生詞】competency n. 勝任;資格;能力 competition n. rivalry (競爭)
complicated /ˈkɑmplɪketɪd/
adj. consisting of many interconnecting parts; intricate; complex; involved (複雜的,難解的)
【衍生詞】complication n. 糾紛;混亂
compromise /ˈkɑmprəˌmaɪz/
n. concession; negotiation (妥協;和解); comity (折衷辦法;折衷物)
v. to settle by making concession (對…妥協;讓步;和解);to expose to danger; to impair (連累;損害(名譽、信用等))
compulsory /kəmˈpʌlsɚi/
adj. obligatory; required by regulations or laws; mandatory (強迫的;義務的;必修的)
collaborate /kəˈlæbəˌret/
v. to cooperate; to work jointly; to work together ((特指文藝、著述等方面)合作);to conspire; to abet ((與敵人)合作;通敵)
【常用片語】collaborate with
【衍生詞】collaborative adj. cooperative (合作的)
collide /kəˈlaɪd/
v. hit by accident when moving; crash; bump into (碰撞); come into conflict or opposition (牴觸)
【衍生詞】collision n. crash (撞擊)
colloquial /kəˈlokwɪəl/
adj. used in ordinary or famiar conversation; conversational; not formal or literary (口語的)
collude /kəˈlud/
v. conspire; plot; not act independently (共謀,勾結,串通)
【衍生詞】collusion n. 共謀;相互勾結
correspond /kərɪˈspɑnd/
v. have a close similarity; match almost exactly; correlate with (符合,一致); be analogous; be equivalent (相當,相應); communicate by exchanging letters (通信)
coherent /koˈhɪrənt/
adj. sticking (有黏性的); combined (凝聚性的); logically consistent ((理論、文章等)有條理的;前後連貫的)
【衍生詞】cohere v. 附著 coherence n. 一致性;連貫