coalesce /ˌkoəˈlɛs/
v. combine; fuse; merge; unite; amalgamate ((政黨等)合併;(傷口等)接合;(折斷之骨)生長在一起;合生)
【常用片語】coalesce around = rally behind
coalition /ˌkoəˈlɪʃən/
n. union; alliance; combination into one body; allied group ((政治)結合;(政黨的)聯合)
【推測詞義】原本單獨成長的政黨,現變成一起成長。如a coalition cabinet (聯合內閣)。
coincide /ˌkoɪnˈsaɪd/
v. happen at the same time; occur simultaneously (同時發生,巧合); correspond; accord; be in agreement (一致)
cogent /ˈkodʒənt/
adj. to the point; convincing and well-reasoned; persuasive; valid; sound; compelling ((議論、理由等)中肯而令人信服的,強有力的)
【推測詞義】共同一起行動,團結就是力量 → 強而有力的。
conceive /kənˈsiv/
v. form or devise in the mind; think up; design; image (構思); become pregnant (懷孕)
【衍生詞】conceit n. 空想;自負
conciliate /kənˈsɪlɪˌet/
v. pacify; soothe (懷柔;安撫(情緒等)); make up with; reconcile (調解(糾紛等))
【衍生詞】conciliatory adj. 和解的;安撫的
concise /kənˈsaɪs/
adj. brief and compact; brief and to the point (簡明的,簡潔的;簡要的)
concord /ˈkɑnkɚd/
n. harmony; comity; peace; a state of agreement ((意見、利害等的)一致;協調); friendly and peaceful relations (和睦)
concur /kənˈkɝ/
v. occur together; coincide (同時發生); agree (同意;意見一致;贊成)
confer /kənˈfɚ/
v. grant (賦予); discuss something in order to make a decision; consult (討論)
confine /kənˈfaɪn/
v. to keep within limits; to enclose within bounds; to limit; to restrict (限制(於某範圍中))
conflate /kənˈflet/
v. to bring together; to combine; to confound ((不同版本文章的)合併)
confound /kɑnˈfaʊnd/
v. baffle; throw into confusion; confuse; perplex; bewilder (混淆;使(秩序等)混亂); frustrate (挫敗(某人的計畫、希望等))
congenital /kənˈdʒɛnɪtəl/
adj. present at birth; inborn (先天的,天生的); having the same nature, disposition, or tastes (協調的,一致的)
conjecture /kənˈdʒɛktʃɚ/
n. a conclusion based on inadequate evidence; a guess; surmise; inference from presumptive evidence (猜想;推測;(手抄本等的)判讀)
v. conclude from inadequate evidence; guess (猜想;推測)
【衍生詞】conjectural adj. base on guessing (猜測的)