conjunction /kənˈdʒʌŋkʃən/
n. combination; the state of being conjoined (連接;結合); concurrence (同時發生); [文法]連接詞
conscript adj./n. /ˈkɑnskrɪpt/ v. /kənˈskrɪpt/
adj. enrolled compulsorily; drafted (被徵召入伍的)
n. one conpulsorily enrolled for service (應徵入伍的士兵)
v. enroll into service by compulsion; draft (徵召(某人)入伍)
【衍生詞】conscription n. 徵兵
consecutive /kənˈsɛkjətɪv/
adj. following one another in uninterrupted order; marked by logical sequence; successive (連續不斷的;連貫的)
consequence /ˈkɑnsəˌkwɛns/
n. conclusion; ramification (結果;推論); importance with respect to power to produce an effect (重要(性))
【衍生詞】consequently adv. accordingly; hence (因此)
consensus /kənˈsɛnsəs/
n. unanimity; general agreement; concord; agreement; accord (一致的意見;(團體的)共識)
conserve /kənˈsɚv/
v. to protect from harm or destruction; to preserve (保存);to store; to save (儲存)
【衍生詞】conservation n. 保存;(對自然資源的)保護 conservative n. 保守派
considerable /kənˈsɪdərəbəl/
adj. worth considering (值得考慮的); important; substantial (重要的); large; much; significant (相當大(或多)的)
【衍生詞】considerably adv. a great deal; significantly (相當大地)
considerate adj. thoughtful (體諒的,關心的)
consistent /kənˈsɪstənt/
adj. constant; regular; unchanging; stable ((言行、文章等)前後一致的,符合的); compatible; agreeing (可共存的)
【衍生詞】inconsistent adj. containing contradictory elements; not compatible or in keeping with ((言行等)不一致的;前後矛盾的;(人)沒有定見的); erratic (反覆無常的)
consonant /ˈkɑnsənənt/
adj. being in agreement or accord (一致的,調和的); harmonious in sound ([音樂]諧和音的)
conspire /kənˈspaɪɚ/
v. to make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act; to plot; to collaborate (共謀,圖謀)
【衍生詞】conspiracy n. 同謀,陰謀
constrain /kənˈstren/
v. to limit or restrict; inhibit; to compel; to use pressure to force to do; to deter (束縛;強迫(某人);抑制(某人))
construe /kənˈstru/
v. to explain; to interpret (解釋(陳述、行為));to analyze ((句子等)作語法分析)
contaminate /kənˈtæməˌnet/
v. to pollute; to defile (弄髒,弄污)
【衍生詞】contamination n. 汙染
contemporary /kənˈtɛmpəˌrɛrɪ/
adj. occurring in the present ; existing; modern (當代的); dating from the same period of time (同時的,屬同一時期的)
n. peer; fellow (同代人)