accountable /əˈkaʊntəbəl/
adj. responsible (對行為)負有(解說)責任的; able to be explained能夠解釋的
【衍生詞】accountability n. responsibility負有責任
account n. statement;explanation (事件等的)報告(書);說明(書)
to account for (在數量、比例方面)佔有
【常用例句】motorcars account for 30% of Taiwan’s exports (汽車佔台灣出口貨物的百分之三十)
accrete /əˈkrit/
v. to grow or to increase gradually; to accumulate (因附著、添加、堆積等而漸漸)自然增大,(使)增長;to grow together (使)共同生長;合生
【衍生詞】accretion n. an increase by natural growth or by gradual external addition (財產的)自然增加, (因附著、添加、堆積等而漸漸產生的)增長,自然增大
*accurate /ˈækjərɪt/
adj. correct; exact; without error; precise 正確無誤的;精密的
【衍生詞】accuracy n. exactness; correctness (正確;準確;精密)
*accustom /əˈkʌstəm/
v. to make familiar with something through use or experience; to get used to 使(人)習慣於
【推測詞義】朝向習俗、習慣。使A習慣於B (accustom A to B)
【常用片語】be 【get,become】accustomed to N/Ving (習慣於,慣於)
affable /ˈæfəb!/
adj. easy to talk to or approach; friendly; courteous; amiable; genial ; sociable (尤指對下屬)謙恭有禮的;(人)和藹可親的;容易親近的;容易交往的
【衍生詞】affability n. sociability (和藹可親;親切)
【常用片語】 an affable smile 和藹的微笑
*affection /əˈfɛkʃən/
n. fondness; love 情愛,親愛;a moderate feeling or emotion [常用複數]感情,情緒
【衍生詞】affectionate adj. showing fondness;very loving深情款款的;(言語、舉手投足等)充滿愛意 的
affected adj. assumed;pretended;not genuine;裝模作樣的,矯飾的;不自然的
【常用片語】maternal affection 母愛
unrequited affection 單戀
to win one’s affection(s)(贏得某人的愛)
【常用例句】John is affectionate to me (約翰很愛我,對我有感情)
affiliate /əˈfɪlɪˌet/
v. to adopt as a son 把…收為養子; to associate as a subordinate or a member 使隸屬於,使成為分支機構; to join; to merge; to combine; to connect; to associate 加入;聯合
【衍生詞】affiliated adj. kindred 親屬關係的; associated; connected 加入的;附屬的;相關聯的
affiliation n. joining; association; connection; combination ; relation 加入,加盟,父子關係的判定
【常用校名】The Affiliated Senior High School of National Normal University (國立師大附中)
affirm /əˈfɚm/
to declare something to be true;to assert positively 堅持聲稱,斷言; confirm; ratify 確認;證實
【推測詞義】 對自己的想法,信心強烈,而加以肯定(to be confident in asserting)。
【衍生詞】affirmative adj. positive 肯定的
【常用片語】an affirmative answer (肯定的回答)
*affluent /ˈæfluənt/; wealthy; abundant; plentiful; opulent; prosperous 富裕的; 豐富的
【推測詞義】(財富或物質)不斷地朝向某個地方匯流過去(flowing towards),即流量豐富的。
【衍生詞】affluence n. wealth; abundance; prosperity (富裕;豐富)
【常用片語】an affluent society 富裕社會
affront /əˈfrʌnt/
v. to confront; to insult openly; to disrespect; to offend purposely (在人前) 侮辱(人);當眾侮辱
【推測詞義】當眾朝著臉部甩人一巴掌(strike on the forehead),就是公然侮辱。
*aggravate /ˈægrəˌvet/
v. to make more severe; to worsen; to exacerbate; to intensify 使惡化,加重(病情、負擔等)
*aggressive /əˈgrɛsɪv/
adj. offensive; combative; militant; belligerent 侵略的;攻擊的;好鬥的;dynamic; energetic and forceful; pushing; ambitious 幹勁十足的,進取的;quarrelsome 好爭吵的
【衍生詞】aggression n. an unprovoked attack or warlike act 侵略;攻擊
【常用片語】 an act of aggression 侵略行為
【註】形容詞尾-ive多加在[s]或[t]為尾音的動詞後面,表示「有…性質的,與…有關的;有…傾向的」,如abusive, adaptive等。
*alleviate /əˈlivɪˏet/
v. to lighten or to relieve, especially physical or mental pain or discomfort; to ease ; to assuage; to allay; to mollify(使痛苦、困境等)減輕,緩和,緩解
*allocate /ˈæləket/
v. to assign something for a special purpose; to distribute; to allot (為某用途而)撥出;分配,配給
【衍生詞】allocation n. act of allocating 分配,配給
【常用片語】asset allocation 資產配置
*allude /əˈlud/
v. to refer indirectly to; to hint at ; to insinuate; to imply; to suggest (間接提及,暗指,影射)
【相關詞】allusion n. indirect reference (間接提及,暗指,影射)
【字辨】elude v. evade,escape 巧妙逃過(處罰、責任等)
*ally v. /əˈlaɪ/ n. /ˈælaɪ/
v. to join; to unite or to align by political agreement or marriage.(結盟,合作,聯姻)
n. a country, person, or group united with another, especially by treaty (同盟國;盟友); association (聯合,合作) ; collaborator; associate (合作者)
【推測詞義】朝向...捆在一起。隱喻為「 v. 使結盟,與...聯盟;n. 同盟者,聯盟者 」諾曼人於西元1066年征服英國,並在其統治期間大量從法語的諾曼方言借字,尤其是和法律、政治、軍事和公共事務有關的詞彙都來自法語,如ally, alliance, administer等。
annihilate /əˈnaɪəˌlet/
v. to abolish; to annul; to nullify廢除(法律、契約等)使無效;to destroy completely; to eradicate; to demolish; to exterminate 徹底地消滅;毀滅
【推測詞義】使(事物)消失不見(reduced to nothing),就是將其廢止。
*apparent /əˈpɛrənt/
adj. plain to see; visible; noticeable; distinct; evident; obvious (容易看見的,明顯的)
*applaud /əˈplɔd/
v. to express approval by clapping the hands; to clap (拍手喝采);to show strong approval of; to give praise極力讚賞
【推測詞義】拍手通過。古羅馬人如果對某演員表示讚賞,就會鼓掌喝采。拉丁語applaudere意指「向…鼓掌(或喝采)」。由前綴ad- ‘to’加動詞 plaudere ‘clap hands’(拍手喝采)構成。英語applaud (鼓掌、喝采)和plaudit (喝采)二詞即源出於此。
【衍生詞】applause n. approval publicly expressed by clapping the hands 鼓掌,拍手喝采;acclaim 讚揚
【常用片語】a round of applause (一陣掌聲)
*approach /əˈprotʃ/
v. to come near(er) to; to draw near to; to move toward, to advance 走近,靠近;to begin to handle or deal with 著手處理(問題、工作等)
n. means; method; technique 方法,(問題的)處理方法;學習或研究的方法;coming near;approximation 接近;靠近
【推測詞義】本義借自古法語aprochier ‘come near to’,向前靠近。隱喻為「能靠近就能找到方法」。
【常用片語】a pragmatic approach (務實的方法)
approbate /ˈæprəˌbet/
v. to praise; to commend 稱讚;讚許; to approve officially; to permit (正式的)許可,批准
【衍生詞】approbation n. praise;commendation 讚許;official approval (正式的)許可,批准
*arrange /əˈrendʒ/
v. to put in order;to organize 按順序排列;整理;to make plans, often involving agreement; to reach agreement about an event in advance (事先)安排或商量;籌備
【衍生詞】arrangement n. 整理;排列;安排
【常用句子】Arrange the names in alphabetical order (按字母順序排列名字)
【常用片語】arranged marriage 媒妁婚姻
a seating arrangement 座位席次安排
*arrogant /ˈærəɡənt/
adj. haughty; assuming; overbearing; insolent ; supercilious 自大的;傲慢的
【推測詞義】自己處於強求的狀態 (claim for oneself)。
*assemble /əˈsɛmbəl/
v. to gather together; to bring together; collect 集合,聚集; to put together the parts of (a mechanism,etc.) (匯集零件)組裝
【推測詞義】走向同一個地方。把物品、零件匯集在一起(to gather into one place)。
【注意用法】「聚在一起」不能譯成英文assemble together, 因為together是贅詞。只能譯成assemble 或gather together
*assert /əˈsɝt/
v. to state confidently without need for proof ; to affirm; to declare firmly; to claim strongly (斷言,堅稱);to maintain; to insist on (a right or a claim) 堅持主張或要求(權利等)
【推測詞義】(某物或某觀點)朝向自己身上連接(join oneself to something or a particular point of view)
【衍生詞】assertive adj. militant; aggressive; too confident and certain 堅持己見的;斷言的;獨斷的;過分自信的
assertion n. strong statement; affirmation; declaration 堅決斷言,強硬的聲明;主張
【常用片語】a) to assert oneself 呈現自己的權威與自信;自做主張;堅持己見(to display authority and self-confidence)
b) to assert woman’s rights (主張女權)
*assiduous /əˈsɪdʒuəs/
adj. diligent; industrious; sedulous; persevering; persistent ; unflagging 勤勉的;堅持不懈的
【推測詞義】ad-加強詞根sed 'sit'。一直坐著的,也就是伏案苦讀,隱喻為「勤勉的」。
assassinate /əˈsæsɪnet/
v. to murder for political or religious reasons; to kill (暗殺,行刺)
【推測詞義】assassin 原指殺人前需吸食大麻的伊斯梅利(Ismaili)狂徒。
【詞源】assassin(暗殺者,刺客)源自於阿拉伯語hashshashin,指hashish-eaters or smokers,即吸食大麻者,其中hashish即印度大麻(hemp)。大約在1090年,Hassan ben Sabbah
【衍生詞】assassin n.暗殺者,刺客
*assuage /əˈswedʒ/
v. to quiet; to calm; to soothe (anger or resentment)平息(怒氣等); to relieve or to lessen (grief or pain); to alleviate; to allay; to mitigate使(痛苦、悲傷等) 緩和
【衍生詞】assuagement n. 緩和(物)
*assume /əˈsjum/
v. to take something as true before there is proof; to suppose; to believe; to presume 假定,認為 ; to take for granted 把…視為理所當然;想當然;to take on duties; to take up ; to undertake 擔任(任務、職務等);承擔(責任)
【衍生詞】assumption n. belief; supposition 設想;假定;所設的假定而未經證實之事
*associate /əˈsoʃɪˌet/
v. to link; to unite; to connect in the mind 把(某事物與他事物)聯想在一起;to befriend;to affiliate 與…為友;結交
n. partner;colleague 夥伴;同事