4. 其他與字母D相關的重要詞彙
*dazzling /ˈdæzlɪŋ/
adj. extremely bright;stunning;brilliant 耀眼的,令人眩目的
【衍生詞】dazzle v. to hurt (the eyes) with too bright light使眼花;(強光等)使(人)目眩
【注意】任何詞根其後接 –CCle [子音+子音+le],可表「重複性的動作」。
【常用片語】dazzling sunshine (眩目的陽光)
*dearth /dɝθ/
n. lack;shortage;scarcity;deficiency 缺乏;不足
【常用片語】a dearth (= paucity) of evidence (證據不足)
decimate /ˈdɛsəˌmet/
v. to kill or destroy a large part of;to destruct (戰爭、疾病等)毀滅(大批人);to drastically reduce the strength of 大量削弱
【詞源探索】古羅馬軍隊為了要嚴懲叛變軍隊(mutinous military),想出「殺一儆十」的方法(to select by lot and kill one out of ten),每十人處死一人,以示警惕。現多指大批殺死或大量削弱。
*deft /dɛft/
adj. skillful and clever;adept;agile;adroit;dexterous 靈巧的;敏捷的,熟練的
demographic / ͵dɛməˋgræfɪk /
adj. of or relating to demography
【衍生詞】demography n. the statistical study of human populations 人口統計;人口學
*dense /dɛns/
adj. thick (霧等)濃的(≠thin);crowded;compact;closely packed:compressed 濃的,稠密的;密集的
【衍生詞】density n. the degree of thickness 濃度,稠密度;(人口的)密度
【常用片語】 a) a densely populated area (人口密集的地區)
b) population density (人口密度)
c) dense fog (濃霧)
*deleterious /ˌdɛləˈtɪrɪəs/
adj. morally or physically harmful;detrimental;adverse;injurious;baneful (對身心)有害的,有毒的
【衍生詞】delete v. to remove;to erase;to obliterate 刪除
【常用片語】deleterious to health (對健康有害)
deteriorate /dɪˈtɪrɪəˌret/
v. to become worse;to worsen;to degenerate;to impair;to depreciate 使惡化;使(品質、價值等)變壞;to decline 低落;使降低
dictate /ˈdɪktet/
v. to read something aloud to be recoreded by another 聽寫;口述(使筆錄);to command forcefully to give instructions (權威性地)命令;(權威性地)指使做
【衍生詞】dictator n. 口述者;獨裁者
【常用句子】My partner doesn’t consult me; he dictates to me. (我的伙伴總是不與我商量,他一直對我發號施令。)
*dim /dɪm/
adj.darkish; faint;weak;dull暗淡的;(光線、聲音等)微弱的;indistinct;vague;unclear 模糊的;不清楚的;gloomy;depressing (前途)悲觀的
v. to make indistinct;to obscure 變模糊;to darken;to become less bright ;to grow faint;to fade 變暗淡,變弱
dirge /ˈdɚdʒ/
n. a song of grief or lamentation;a funeral hymn 輓歌;悲歌
【推測詞義】源於拉丁文dirige (指引)。舊約聖經《詩篇》的第五篇第八節的第一個字引領的詩文為 ‘Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam’ ,其意為 Direct my way in your sight, O Lord my God (上帝我主,引導我走在你的目光下)。 原本dirige是指引(direct)的意思,因為這段詩文常使用在喪禮中,故與輓歌產生聯繫。
*dormant /ˈdɔrmənt/
adj. sleeping 睡著的;torpid in winter;hibernating (動物)冬眠的;(植物)休眠狀態的;inactive;quiet 暫停活動的;靜止的
【常用片語】dormant volcano (休火山)
downplay /ˈdaʊnple/
v. to make (something) seem smaller or less important;to belittle 不予重視;輕視,貶低
【推測詞義】來自動詞片語play down (玩下去,不予重視),隱喻為「貶低或輕視」對方。
downright /ˈdaunˌraɪt/
adj. absolute;thoroughgoing 全然的,徹底的;straightforward;plain;frank 率直的,坦白的
adv. thoroughly ;utterly 完全地;徹底地
【推測詞義】一直往下走(going straight downward)
*dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/
adj. energetic;powerful;forceful;vigorous 精力充沛的,活動力強的;not static 動態的
【推測詞義】具有力量的。源自dyne (達因,為物理學中力的單位)
【衍生詞】dynamism n. energy;vigor 活力;精力