*discontent /dɪskənˈtɛnt/
n. a feeling of dissatisfaction;uneasiness 不滿;不平
v. to make dissatisfied;to dissatisfy 使不滿;使不平
【推測詞義】「滿意」就是把要的東西全部握在手上,加上否定前綴 dis- 就成了「不滿意」。
【常用片語】(to) discontented with one’s salary (對薪水感到不滿意)
【常用句子】Inflation discontented the people. (通膨使百姓感到不滿。)
*disdain /dɪsˈden/
n. a feeling of contempt;lack of respect;despite輕蔑
v. to regard with scorn and contempt;to look down upon;to despise 輕蔑;不屑於
【推測詞義】(人、物)缺少價值,難免會驕傲自大加以「輕視、鄙視」(the feeling that someone or something is low and worthless)。
【衍生詞】disdainful adj. contemptuous;scornful輕蔑的;自大的
dodainfully adv. disrespectfully and with an air of superiotiry;in a superior way 輕蔑地
【常用片語】(to) disdain flattery (鄙視巴結)
*disinterested /dɪsˈɪntərəstɪd/
adj. unprejudiced;unbiased;impartial;unselfish公正無私的;沒有私心的
【詞辨】Uninterested means lacking interest in. (沒有興趣的,不關心的)
【常用句子】An arbitrator should be disinterested. (仲裁者應該公正無私。)
disjointed /dɪsˈdʒɔɪntɪd/
adj. (of words or ideas) not well connected;lacking coherence or order;incoherent;unconnected (語言、觀念等)支離破碎的;前後不連貫的
*dismay /dɪsˈme/
n. stong feeling of fear and hopelessness;loss of courage;distress;upset;dread沮喪;不安;驚恐
v. to cause to feel distress;to fill with dread;to disconcert使沮喪;使驚恐;使不安
【常用片語】to one’s dismay (使某人驚慌不安)
*disparage /dɪˈspærɪdʒ/
v. to speak slightingly or undervalue;to belittle;to disdain;to decry;to detract from 輕視;貶低
【推測詞義】覺得對方的階級與自己不相當,就會「輕視」對方。 此外, -age是從古法語借入的詞尾。
【衍生詞】disparaging adj. downgrading;pejorative輕視的;蔑視的
disparate /ˈdɪspərɪt/
adj. basically different in kind;unlike;dissimilar;divergent;inconsistent;at odds 根本上相異的;不同的
【推測詞義】不等的;不同的(not alike)。
【衍生詞】disparity n. difference;unlikeness;dissimilarity不同;相異;不一致
【常用片語】 a) disparity in rank (階級不同)
b) disparity in age (年齡上的差距)
*dispatch /dɪˈspætʃ/
n. promptness;speed;expedition 迅速;急送
v. to send fast;to hasten:to hurry 迅速遞送(信件);發送;緊急派遣(人、車隊等)
【推測詞義】源自義大利語動詞dispacciāre ‘send away quickly’,不妨礙(工作),趕快完工。
【衍生詞】dispatcher n. (公車、計程車、列車的)調度員
【常用片語】(to) act with dispatch (迅速行動)
*disquiet /dɪsˈkwaɪət/
n. worry;unease;anxiety 焦慮,不安
v. to make worried or uneasy;to agitate 使焦慮;使不安
【衍生詞】disquieting adj. troubling 令人不安的
disregard /ˌdɪsrɪˈgɑrd/
v. to pay little or no attention to 不理會;to ignore 漠視
n. indifference 漠視;不關心
dissemble /dɪˈsɛmbḷ/
v. to hide or disguise (feelings, motives, or thoughts);to conceal;to cover up 隱藏(感情、意圖等);掩飾(思想,感情等)
【注意】dissemble與disassemble (v. 拆開,拆卸)這兩個詞的拼法不可相混。
*dissimilar /dɪˈsɪməlɚ/
adj. not similar or alike;different;heterogeneous 不一樣的;不同的
3.2.3 加強語氣(intensively, completely)
英語前綴 dis- 可從本義延伸出加強語氣的用法來加強詞根的詞義。 dis- 的本義是away(離開),若添加一個far而變成far and away,意思是 “by far” 或 “much” (很,甚,更),這時dis- 就帶有了加強語氣的內涵。
disgruntled /dɪsˈgrʌntəld/
adj. unhappy or dissatified;expressing discontent;disappointed 不滿的;不高興的
*diminish /dəˈmɪnɪʃ/
v. to cause to be less;to reduce;to decrease;to become less important or valuable使(數量、價值、力量等)變小;變少;縮小
【衍生詞】diminutive adj. tiny;small 極小的;小型的
distort /dɪˈstɔrt/
v. to pull or twist out of shape 扭曲(臉、手、腳等),扭歪;to twist from the true meaning;to misinterpret 曲解(事實等)
【衍生詞】distortion n. twisting out of shape 扭曲;變形
【常用片語】 a) (to) distort historical facts (曲解史實)
b) (to) distort the fact (扭曲事實)
*disturb /dɪˈstɝb/
v. to disarrange;to muddle 擾亂(安寧,秩序);to interrupt;to bother 妨害,妨礙(工作,睡眠等);to agitate;to perturb;to trouble 使(社會,治安等)不安定
confuse, commotion
【衍生詞】disturbance n. disruption 擾亂
【常用片語】politial disturbances (政治騷亂)
【常用句子】Don’t disturb. (請勿打擾。)
3.2.4 取消或反轉某個動作(undo, do in reverse)
前綴dis- 所綴合的對象若是及物動詞,則具有「取消或反轉(undo, do in reverse)」某個動作的意思,因而dis-也可表否定(not)之意。
disintegrate /dɪsˈɪntəˌgret/
v. to reduce to pieces;to disunite;to decompose;to crumble;to break up 使粉碎;分解;解體
【推測詞義】取消成為一體,不再是一個整體(make not whole),已經解體了。
3.3 dia (Greek)
【來源】前綴 dia- 源自希臘語介詞,與其相應的是拉丁語介詞 trans- ,其意為「穿越(through, across)」、「分開(apart)」、「在…之間(between)」、「加強語氣(intensively, completely)」。此前綴多用於科技、數學、醫學上的詞彙。
【加強語氣的用法】英語有些前綴如cata- , con- , de- , dis- , dia- , in- , ob- , per- , pro- , re- , un- 都從本義中延伸出加強語氣的用法來加強詞根的詞義。如dia- 的本義是through,若再添加另一個through而變成through and through,意思是 ‘completely, thoroughly’ (完全地,徹底地),這時dia- 就帶有加強語氣的內涵。 任何一個前綴作為加強詞綴(intensifier),則需轉義為「很,十分,非常,完全地或徹底地」(very, much, strongly, extremely, completely, or thoroughly)。
1. 若dia- 加在母音為首的詞根前,則刪除母音a
dia- → di- / ___ + vowel
2. 其他情況下保持原有的形態並無變體
dia- → dia- / elsewhere
3.3.1 穿越(through, across)
diameter /daɪˈæmɪtɚ/
n. a straight line passing from one side to the other through the center of a circle【數學】直徑
diagram /ˈdaɪəgræm/
n. a drawing that uses simple lines to explain something;a chart or sketch explains ideas, statistics, etc. 圖解;圖表;圖示
3.3.2 分開(apart)
*diagnose /daɪəgˈnos/
v. to identify (a disease) by observing its symptoms 診斷(疾病);to analyze the cause of;to find out why something is not working 判斷;分析(出問題之原因)
【衍生詞】diagnosis n. the identification of a disease 診斷(結果);the analysis of something (問題之原因等的)判斷;分析
【常用句子】The doctor diagnosed his illness as influenza. (醫生診斷出他的病為流行性感冒。)
3.3.3 在…之間(between)
*dialogue /ˈdaɪəˌlɔg/
n. conversation;speech between two people 對話;對談
【注意其他的 - logue】 catalogue (目錄)、epilogue (結語)、 monologue (獨白)、 prologue (序言)
3.3.4 加強語氣(intensively, completely)
diatribe /ˈdaɪəˌtraɪb/
n. bitter and violent attack in speech or writing;angry criticism;denunciation (口頭或書面)猛烈的抨擊;嚴厲的批評;痛罵
【常用片語】 a) John’s diatribes against gambling. (約翰對賭博的猛烈抨擊)
b) from diatribe to dialogue (從互批到對話)