*dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/
v. to permit to leave 讓…離開;to send away;to disperse 把…打發走;解散;to discharge開除;解雇;to remove;to stop considering;to reject (從腦海中)去除;不再考慮;拒絕考慮
disorient /dɪsˈoriˌɛnt/
v. to cause (someone) to lose sense of direction;to lose;to confuse 使(某人)迷失方向;使迷惑 (常用被動語態)
dispel / dɪˋspɛl /
v. to scatter and drive away;to dissipate;to get rid of;to disperse 驅散(雲、霧等);消除(疑慮、煩惱等)
【常用句子】A teacher is a man who transmits the doctrine, imparts learning, and dispels doubts. (師者,傳道、授業、解惑也。)
dispense /dɪsˈpɛns/
v. to give or deal out;to distribute:to scatter 分配;分發;to exempt;to excuse 免除;to prepare and give out (medicines, prescriptions, etc.)配藥,配方;to administer;to execute實施;執行(法律等)
【推測詞義】依重量秤出(to weigh out)後分散開,分配後就會實施、執行。
【衍生詞】 dispensable adj. not necessary;disposable 可有可無的;非必要的;可分配的
indispensable adj. essential;necessary 絕對必要的
【常用片語】 a) (to) dispense medicines (配藥)
b) (to) dispense with (不必要,沒有也行(to do or manage without);免除;摒棄 (to
omit;to get rid of, to do away with))
【常用句子】Shall we dispense with the formalities? (我們可以不可以免除俗套?)
disperse /dɪsˈpɚs/
v. to cause to break up;to spread apart;to scatter;to dispel使散開;分散;驅散
【常用句子】The police dispersed the demonstrators with tear gas. (警方用催淚瓦斯驅散示威者。)
【衍生詞】dispersion n. scattering 散開,驅散
dispose /dɪˈspos/
v. to throw away;to get rid of;to discard去掉;丟掉;處理掉;to place in a certain order or arrangement;to settle (affairs) 排列;安排;配置;to deal with 處理;to incline 使傾向於,使易於
【推測詞義】(廢棄物)分開放(to put apart or away from),放置到別的地方 → 丟掉、去除、處置掉。分散放置 → 排列、配置。
【衍生詞】 disposable adj. expendable 用完即丟的;available to use 可任意使用的
disposal n. (廢棄物的)處理,(事物的)處理,解決
【常用片語】 a) disposable contact lenses (拋棄式隱形眼鏡)
b) disposal bag (旅館等所準備的)垃圾袋
c) (to) dispose of rubbish (清掉垃圾)
【常用諺語】Man proposes, God disposes. (謀事在人,成事在天。)
disposition /ˌdɪspəˈzɪʃən/
n. tendency or inclination (想做…的)心情或意向;temperament;天性,氣質;management or settlement of affairs (事情的)處置或解決;the order of arrangement of something排列;部署
【常用片語】the disposition of the troops (軍隊部署)
【常用句子】She has a gentle disposition. (她天性溫和。)
displace /dɪsˈples/
v. to move from its usual place (從原來的地方)移開;to replace;to take the place of 替換;取代;to remove from office;to discharge 免去官職
*dispute /dɪˈspjut/
v. to argue or debate;to quarrel;to question;to oppose 爭論;爭吵;爭辯;對…表示異議
【衍生詞】 disputatious adj. inclined to argue or debate;argumentative好爭論的
undisputed adj. undoubted;acknowledged;accepted 無異議的;毫無疑問的;公認的
disputation n. the act of disputing or debating 爭論;爭辯
*disseminate /dɪˈsɛməˌnet/
v. to spread abroad as if sowing seed 撒播(種子等); to disperse;to spread widely (ideas, doctrines, etc.);to promulgate widely;to transmit 散播(思想、教義等)
dissent /dɪˈsɛnt/
v. to differ in opinion or feeling;to disagree;to object;to withhold approval 不同意(≠assent);持異議;唱反調(from)
【衍生詞】dissension n. difference of opinion;disagreement;discord 意見分歧;不同意;意見相左
【常用句子】 a) We dissented from (= disagreed with) the decision. (我們不同意這決定。)
b) No one dissented. (沒有人反對。)
dissident /ˈdɪsədənt/
adj. disagreeing with an opinion or a group;opposing (意見等)不同的,持異議的
n. a person who disagrees;dissenter 持不同意見者,持異議者
【推測詞義】(adj.)分開坐的(sitting apart)。 (n.)辯論坐在不同地方的人,就是正方和反方(意見不同的人)。
【常用片語】dissident groups (異議團體)
dissipate /ˈdɪsəˌpet/
v. to waste or to squander 浪費(時間、金錢等);to break up and scatter;disperse;to dispel 驅散(雲、霧等),消除(恐懼、疑懼等)
【衍生詞】dissipation n. dispersion消散;a wasting by misuse浪費
dissolve / dɪˋzɑlv /
v. to melt;to break up;to decompose;to disintegrate 使溶解;使分解;解散(議會等)
【衍生詞】dissolution n. a breaking up or into pieces;disintegration 分解;the dismissal of an assembly (議會、社團等的)解散;the act of officially ending a formal agreement (婚姻關係等的)解除
【常用片語】 a) the dissolution of Parliament (解散國會)
b) the dissolution of a marriage (婚約的解除)
dissonant /ˈdɪsənənt/
adj. harsh;jarring;discordant;opposing in opinion;incongruous;incompatible不協和(音)的;不一致的;不協調的
*dissuade /dɪˈswed/
v. to discourage someone in a course of action;to advise against;to deter by persuasion 勸阻
【推測詞義】力勸(某人)離開做(某事)(urge someone to turn away from a course)。
*distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/
adj. separate;discrete;different 有別的;個別的;有差異的;definite;obvious;clear 明確的;清楚的
【衍生詞】 distinctive adj. particular;characteristic 特殊的;顯示特徵的
distinction n. difference 差異;fame;eminence 卓越;優秀
distinguish v. to differentiate;to separate and classify 區分,辨認出
distinguished adj. eminent;famous;well known 傑出的;著名的(很容易被區分出來的)
【常用句子】 a) Their opinions are similar but distinct. (他們的意見看似相同,實則不同。)
b) Speaking English is quite distinct from writing it. (英語的說和寫截然不同。)
*distract /dɪˈstrækt/
v. to divert;to draw away the attention, the mind, etc. 轉移(注意力等);分心;to disturb or trouble greatly in mind 使心煩意亂(用被動語態)
【常用句子】 a) His mind is distracted by fear. (恐懼使他心煩意亂。)
b) Reading distracts the mind from grief. (閱讀會轉移心中的悲痛。)
*distribute /dɪˈstrɪbjut/
v. to give out;to allocate;to deliver 分配;分送;分發; to spread out;to scatter 散佈;分佈(over)
【常用片語】 a) (to) distribute the handouts to the students (分發講義給學生)
b) (to) distribute seed over plowed land (播種在犁過的田裡)
*discard /dɪsˈkɑrd/
v. to get rid of;to throw away;to cast aside 丟棄、拋棄(廢物、習慣、信仰等)
【推測詞義】原為玩牌術語,打出,丟出手上(無用的牌) (to remove a playing card from one’s hand)。
【常用片語】(to) discard an old friend (拋棄老朋友)
3.2.2 否定(not)、欠缺(lack of)
前綴dis- 所綴合的對象若是抽象名詞時,則含有「欠缺(lack of)」之意,如dishonor (lack of honor)、disorder (lack of order);若是形容詞或動詞時,則含有「否定(not)」之意。
disaffect /ˌdɪsəˈfɛkt/
v. to alienate the affection or loyalty of;to make disloyal;to estrange 使疏遠;使不忠;to fill with discontent and unrest 使不滿;使抱怨
【衍生詞】 disaffected adj. discontented不滿的;心生不平的
disaffection n. politial discontent;disloyalty (政治上的)不滿;不忠
【常用句子】Many of those in the business of building and selling houses believe that the current disaffection with (=estrangement from) real estate will pass. (許多在從事建築和房地產銷售行業的人相信現在的對房地產的不滿情緒將會過去。)
*disapprove /ˌdɪsəˈpruv/
v. to express an opinion against;to refuse;to reject;to veto 不同意,不許可,不贊成
【衍生詞】disapproval n. disapprobation 不同意;不贊成(口語用disapproval)
discomfit /dɪsˈkʌmfɪt/
v. to thwart the plans of;to defeat completely 挫敗(計畫,希望等);to make uneasy;to perplex, confuse, or embarrass completely (使某人)茫然失措;使困惑