3.2.1 分離,離開 (away from, apart, remove)
disastrous /dɪˈzæstrəs/
adj. causing great damage;catastrophic 損失慘重的;(造成)災害的;very bad 極不幸的
【推測詞義】與自己的幸運星遠離。 占星家認為星辰處於凶位或凶向(unfavorable position of a star)導致人間面臨災難。
【衍生詞】disaster n.very bad luck;calamity; catastrophe 大不幸;災難
【常用片語】 a) disaster area/zone (災區)
b) (to) make a disastrous mistake (釀成大禍的錯誤)
*differentiate /ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃɪˌet/
v. to make different 使不同;使有差異;to distinguish;to discriminate 區分;鑑別;差別
【衍生詞】differential adj. uneven 有差異的;有區別的
【常用片語】 a) (to) differentiate between good and evil (區別善惡)
b) (to) differentiate good from evil (區別善惡)
diffident /ˈdɪfədənt/
adj.lacking self-confidence;unconfident;hesitant;timid;shy 缺乏自信的;膽怯的;羞怯的
【衍生詞】diffidence n. lacking confidence 無自信;shyness 羞怯
【常用句子】John is diffident of success. (約翰缺乏成功的信心。)
*diffuse /dɪˈfjuz/
v. to send or scatter in every direction 漫射;四散;to extend; to spread out (光、熱、氣味等)散發;傳播或普及(知識等)
【衍生詞】diffusion n. scattering;the action of being spread out散布;普及
【常用片語】 a) the diffusion of knowledge (知識的普及)
b) (to) diffuse knowledge (傳播知識)
c) (to) diffuse light/heat/an odor (散發光/熱/氣味)
*digressive /daɪˈgrɛsɪv/
adj. (in speaking or writing) wandering away from the subject 離題的;枝節的
【推測詞義】(從主題)走開(go aside, depart)
【衍生詞】digress v. to depart from the topic;to deviate (從主題)偏離
digression n. a wandering from the main subject離題;轉入旁枝末節
*dilate /daɪˈlet/
v. to expand;to enlarge;to distend;to widen 使(瞳孔等)擴大,使膨脹
【推測詞義】向四方分散才變寬大(spread wide)。
【衍生詞】dilation n. expansion擴張;擴大的部分
dilatory /ˋdɪlə͵torɪ /
adj. slow or late in doing things;delaying;tardy;lagging 拖延的;慢吞吞的
【常用片語】dilatory tactics (拖延戰術)
*diligent /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/
adj. hardworking;persevering;assiduous;painstaking;showing care and effort (工作等)用心的,努力的勤勉的;勤奮的
【衍生詞】diligence n. steady effort 勤勉
【常用片語】(to) work with diligence (勤奮工作)
disabuse / ͵dɪsəˋbjuz /
v. to set right;to free (a person) from error;not to lead into error 去除(某人的)謬誤;打消(某人的)錯誤想法;糾正
*divergent /daɪˈvɝdʒənt/
adj. varying;disparate;inconsistent (道路等)分歧的;(意見等)相異的;脫離常軌的
【衍生詞】 divergence (from) n. separation 脫離;difference;deviation;disagreement (道路等的)分歧;(意見等的)歧異、不同
diverge v. to turn or branch away from (道路等的)分岔;(意見等的)分歧
【常用片語】 a) divergences from the normal (脫離正軌)
b) divergent opinions 眾說紛紜
*diverse /daɪˈvɝs/
adj. unlike;different;dissimilar;various;varied 不同的;相異的;各式各樣的
【衍生詞】 diversity n. difference;variety 多樣性,差異;多樣性;不同點
diversify v. to make diverse;to give variety to 使不同;多樣化
diversification n. emergence of many varieties 多樣化;各式各樣
【常用片語】diversified society (多元社會)
divert /dɪˈvɚt/
v. to turn in a different direction 使轉向;to turn from one course to another 使改道;to deviate;to deflect;to distract 使(注意等)轉移;to give pleasure to;to amuse;to entertain 使消遣;使娛樂
【衍生詞】 diverting adj. entertaining;amusing.消遣的;有趣的;快樂的
diversion n. redirection;digression (方向等的)轉換;distraction 分散注意力(的東西);entertainment;recreation 娛樂
divisive /dəˈvaɪsɪv/
adj. causing division or discord 造成意見分歧的;產生不和的
【衍生詞】division n. the act or process of dividing分開;departement部門
【常用片語】division of the party (政黨的分裂)
divulge /daɪˈvʌldʒ/
v. to make publicly known;to reveal;to expose;to disclose透露;洩露(秘密等);
【推測詞義】散布(秘密)使百姓知道(spread among the people),就是洩漏(秘密)。
*discern /dɪˈsɝn/
v. to recognize or find out 看出;察覺出;to perceive or recognize;to distinguish;to detect 識別,辨別;認出
【衍生詞】 discerning adj. showing good judgement;astute;perceptive 有辨別力的,有洞察力的
discernible adj. recognizable;distinguishable;perceivable;可辨別的;看得清的
【常用片語】 a) (to) discern good from/and evil (識別善惡)
b) the discerning (識貨的人)
disciple /dɪˈsaɪpḷ /
n. learner;apostle;follower of any leader of religious thought, art, learning, etc. (指宗教、學問等方面的)弟子,門徒;追隨者
【常用片語】a disciple of Gandhi (甘地的信徒)
*discordant /dɪsˈkɔrdṇt/
adj. unharmonious;conflicting;divergent 不一致的;不調和的;harsh-sounding (聲音)不和諧的;刺耳的
【衍生詞】discord n. disagreement between people;disharmony 意見不合;不和諧
【常用片語】 a) discordant opinions (不一致的意見)
b) discordant music (不和諧的樂曲)
discourse /ˈdɪskors/ (n.) /dɪˈskors/ (v.)
n. an oral exchange of ideas or conversation 交談;談話;a serious speech or piece of writing;a lengthy discussion, either written or spoken 演講;論文(on, upon)
v. to communicate thoughts orally 談話;to talk about or discuss at length 演講,講述
【推測詞義】四處跑開(to run different ways)。 隱喻為「話傳到各處,談話涉及各方面的內容」。
【常用片語】a discourse on the art of translation (一篇有關翻譯技巧的論文)
【常用句子】Professor Smith discoursed for hours on/upon American literature. (史密斯教授花了好幾個小時講述美國文學。)
*discursive / dɪˋskɝsɪv /
adj. wandering from topic to topic;digressive;rambling (談話或文章)離題的;東拉西扯的;散漫的
【常用片語】(to) write in a discursive style (用散漫的文體寫作)
discrepancy /dɪˈskrɛpənsɪ/
n. difference;variation;disagreement;discordance;inconsistency;variation 差異;分歧;不一致
【推測詞義】分裂發出噼啪爆破聲。(彼此意見、觀點)裂開,兩者有差異(difference between)或不一致之處。
*discriminate /dɪˈskrɪməˌnet/
v. to differentiate;to distinguish 區別;識別;to make distinctions in treatment;to show partiality (in favor of) or prejudice (against) 差別待遇;歧視
【衍生詞】 indiscriminate adj. unselective 不加以區別的;haphazard 任意的
discrimintion n. ability to see diffeences;prejudice 辨別力;歧視
【常用片語】 a) (to) discriminate against women (歧視婦女)
b) (to) discriminate between A and B (區別A與B)
disfranchise / ͵dɪsˋfræntʃaɪz /
v. to take away someone’s rights;to deprive of a franchise, privilege, or the right to vote 剝奪(某人的)選舉權;收回(經營連鎖店的)授權許可
【推測詞義】free意思是「釋放,豁免」。 收回釋放出去或豁免的的權利。
【詞源探索】借自古法語franchise,原指「免除賦稅負擔的特權」。到了十八世紀詞義演變為政府「釋出」給予個人的「選舉權」。 在美式英語裡,franchise意指「(政府釋出給予公司等的)特權」或「公司或製造商釋出給予在某一地區經營業務的特許經銷權」。
【常用句子】Peter could not vote because he was disfranchised. (彼得不能投票因為他已被褫奪公權。)
disingenuous /ˌdɪsɪnˈdʒɛnjuəs/
adj. slightly dishonest;not sincere;sly and crafty 不真誠的;虛偽的;狡猾的;詭詐的
【推測詞義】遠離了天性,天性是誠實無邪的(inborn quality of being frank),表示這個人不誠實、虛偽。
dismantle /dɪsˈmᴂntḷ/
v. to take apart;to tear down;to disassemble拆開或拆卸(機械、船、用品等);拆除…的設備或裝備;to divest 脫掉…的衣服
【推測詞義】脫掉背上的小斗篷(覆蓋物) (to take a man’s cloak off his back or to strip of covering),如同軍事上拆除軍事防禦物,如堡壘等(to tear down fortifications)。