constituent /kənˈstɪtʃuənt/
n. an essential part; element; component (組成的要素;成分); voter; elector (選民)
constitute /ˈkɒnstɪtjut/
v. to combine to form a whole (構成,組成);to establish (制定(法律))
【衍生詞】reconstitute v. 改組;使恢復原狀
contemplate /ˈkɑntəmˈplet/
v. to think about; to meditate; to ponder (深思熟慮;計議);to look thoughtfully ((沉思地)注視);to have in view as a probable intention (預期)
contentious /kənˈtɛnʃəs/
adj. likely to cause people to argue or disagree; controversial ((人)愛爭論的;(人)好爭吵的;(問題等)引起爭論的)
【相關字】contention n. controversy (爭論)
convert /kənˈvɝt/
v. to transform; to change (轉變,轉換);to turn from one belief to another (改變信仰)
conviction /kənˈvɪkʃən/
n. a formal declaration that someone is guilty; sentence (定罪); a firmly held belief or opinion (信念); certainty; certitude (確信)
3.4 contra (Latin), counter (French)
【來源】源自於拉丁文介系詞contrā,意思是「反對(against)、相對(opposite)」。現在英語中,表示「相對、反對」的前綴共有三個:anti-借自希臘語,contra- 借自拉丁語,counter- 借自古法語countre。
contradict /ˌkɑntrəˈdɪkt/
v. speak against; oppose; be contrary to; disagree; gainsay; dispute; refute (反駁(某人);否定(陳述等);(陳述、行動)與…矛盾)
【推測詞義】說相反的話(saying the contrary or opposite),便是反駁。
【衍生詞】contradiction n. paradox (反駁;矛盾)
contradictory adj. opposing (反對的)
contrary /ˈkɑntrəri/
adj. opposite; in conflict with (相反的,對抗的)
【衍生詞】contrariwise adv. opposite (相反地)
controversial /ˌkɑntrəˈvɝʃəl/
adj. debatable; argumentative; disputatious; contentious (辯駁的;引起爭議的)
【推測詞義】轉向對立的立場(turn against),表達出意見相互對立。
【衍生詞】controversy n. (通常指紙上的)爭論;論戰 = disagreement
counterforce /ˈkaʊntɚˌfɔrs/
n. balance; offset; an opposing force (反作用力;反對勢力)
【字彙淺析】counterforce可做為在推行某項行動時遇到的反對力量。語意上與headwind相同,headwind的意思是 n. (船、飛機等的)頂頭風、逆風。