*behave /bɪˈhev/
v. to conduct oneself; to do things in a particular way 舉止,行為;to act properly;to conduct (oneself) in a correct or proper way 循規蹈矩
【推測詞義】完全把握自己,中規中矩(conduct oneself in a specified way)。
【衍生詞】behavior n. demeanor;conduct 舉止,行為
【常用句子】Behave yourself. (守規矩)
*beholden /bɪˈholdən/
adj. being under obligation for a favor done;obligated;indebted 蒙恩的;負有義務的,感激的
【常用片語】(to) be beholden to somebody for something 對…深表感激(owe gratitude to, be indebted to)
【常用句子】I am much beholden to you for your help.(蒙君賜助,深為感激)
*betray /bɪˈtre/
v. to go back on someone; to be disloyal or unfaithful to; to break one’s promise to
背叛,出賣(國家、朋友等),失信於;to reveal unintentionally 不經意洩漏(秘密)
【詞源】源於拉丁字trādere (hand over),其可以再分成trāns- (across) + dare (to give)。
【衍生詞】betrayal n.背叛;出賣;洩露
besiege /bɪˈsidʒ/
v. to surround (a town, castle, etc.) with armed forces; to beset (軍隊)包圍、圍攻(城、鎮等)
beset /bɪˈsɛt/
v. to attack from all sides 圍攻;環攻;to surround 包圍;圍堵
3.2 使變成(成為)…的狀態 (to become or to be)
beseem /bɪˈsim/
v. to be appropriate for; to be fit for; to befit 適合於
bemoan /bɪˈmon/
v. to become very sorry because of ; to lament; to deplore (a loss, grief, etc.); to express sorrow 對…表示惋惜;為…悲痛;悲傷
【常用片語】(to) bemoan one’s bitter fate 哀泣自己的苦命
bemuse /bɪˈmjuz/
v. to confuse ; to bewilder ;to stupefy 使困惑;使茫然;使發呆;to plunge deep into thought 出神
【推測詞義】(困惑)使人沉思(to plunge deep into thought)
【衍生詞】bemused adj. confused or puzzled;bewildered 困惑的;engrossed or thoughtful 出神的
【常用片語】a bemused look 茫然的神情
3.3 使成為,使之(to make, to cause to be)
belittle /bɪˈlɪtəl/
v. to cause to be little or unimportant; to despise ; to disparage 貶低;輕視;小看
3.4 使…(to make(into),to cause),使遮蓋著或飾以 (cover or decorate with) ,施加(妖術、魔法等)在…身上使其受影響(affected by)
befriend /bɪˈfrɛnd/
v. to act as a friend to; to become friends with 以朋友的方式對待;友好對待或協助;to assist 幫助
【推測詞義】使自己成為…的朋友 (to make oneself a friend to)。
*beguile /bɪˈgaɪl/
v. to mislead by cheating or tricking ; to deceive ; to delude(用花言巧語)欺騙;誘騙;蒙蔽
*belie /bɪˈlaɪ/
v. to tell lies about; to disguise; to misrepresent; to mask; to give a false impression of; to picture falsely 就…扯謊;掩飾;使人誤解;to contradict 與…抵觸
bewitch / bɪˈwitʃ /
v. to affect by witchcraft 對…施魔法;to fascinate 使著迷,使銷魂
【衍生詞】bewitching adj. fascinating or attractive迷人的;蠱惑的
bejewel / bɪˈdʒuəl /
v. cover or decorate with jewels用珠寶裝飾,飾以珠寶
3.5 離開,奪去(away, removal)
bereave /bəˈriv/
v. to rob or deprive; to dispossess (因疾病、事故等)奪去近親等;剝奪或喪失(生命、希望等)
【衍生詞】bereavement n. state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved喪親之痛;(希望等的)被剝奪
bereft (of) adj. deprived of被剝奪的;lacking;missing 缺少的
【常用片語】(to) be bereft of hope or reason (失望;失去理智)
behead /bɪˈhɛd/
v. to cut off the head of; to execute 砍頭;斬首
4. 其他與字母B相關的重要詞彙
backlash /ˈbækˌlæʃ/
n. a strong adverse reaction 對社會、政治改革等的激烈的反應, (輿論的) 反彈
【常用句子】Some people think that virtual reality (簡稱VR)as the new media will cause a blacklash against social interation.(據說虛擬實境會對人際互動造成反效果呢。)
badger /ˈbædʒɚ/
v. to annoy or to harass persistently; to vex; to pester 騷擾,糾纏 n. 獾
【推測詞義】原意指「獾」這種頭部有白紋的(white mark on head)特殊標記的穴居動物,因此badger是由badge(標記)演變而成。中世紀獵獾活動中,獵狗一再「騷擾、糾纏」已陷入陷阱獵物的行為 (to harass a trapped badger) ,才衍生出動詞的含意。
【常用片語】badger game 美人計,仙人跳
*barren /ˈbærən/
adj. unproductive; infertitle; unable to suppant growth ;unable to sustain life(土地)貧瘠的;不毛的;不生產的;fruitless(植物)不結果實的; sterile(動物)不能生育的;不孕的
【常用片語】a) barren land 不毛之地
b) a barren woman 不能生育的婦女
bogus /ˈbogəs/
adj. false; not genuine; spurious; counterfeit 假的;偽造的
【詞源】源自18世紀美國俚語,是下層社會表示「偽造錢幣」的黑話。 原意是指一種叫Bogus造偽幣的機器。現詞義擴大可表示任何假的或偽造的東西。
【常用片語】bogus bills假鈔票
brevity /ˈbrɛvəti/
n. briefness of duration; shortness in time (時間等的)短暫; conciseness in speech or writing; economy; terseness (講話、敘述、行文等的)簡潔
【衍生詞】brief adj. short in length or extent;concise 短時間的,短暫的
【常用片語】The brevity of human life (人生的短促)
【常用格言】Brevity is the soul of wit(Shakespeare)(簡潔是智慧的真諦;言以簡潔為貴。)
bromide /ˈbromaɪd/
n. a compound of bromide with another element ([化學]溴化物);a commonplace or tiresome person
思想(或談吐)庸俗的人;令人厭煩的人;cliché;a trite saying;a dull,commonplace statement (陳腐之言)
【推測詞義】原指bromine (溴,元素符號Br)和金屬的複合物。Bromine源自法文brome (stench),由「惡臭」延伸出「陳腐」的意思。bromide是由美國幽默作家柏吉斯(Gelett Burgess, 1866~1951)所創的新詞。
【衍生詞】bromidic adj. cliched; trite; hackneyed 平庸的;陳腐的;陳腔濫調的
*bias /ˈbaɪəs/
n. a particular tendency or inclination;slant (傾向);prejudice;partiality 偏見;偏心;偏袒
v. cause to feel inclination or prejudice for someone or something 使(人的好惡)偏向(一方);使傾向一方,使存偏見。
bizarre /bɪˈzɑr/
adj. very odd or queer in appearance or style; weird; fantastic; eccentric 古怪的;怪異的,奇異的
Fr. bizarre ‘strange’ < Sp. bold, handsome < Basque ‘a beard’。
*boycott /ˈbɔɪˌkɑt/
v. to refuse to cooperate with (a person, business, or nation) (聯合他人)拒絕與(某人、公司、國家等)來往或交易; to embargo;to refuse to buy or use (a product or service)(杯葛)
【詞源】1870年代的愛爾蘭梅約郡(Mayo),由於農地歉收,佃農繳不出原定的地租。佃農想要降低地租,但土地經紀人查爾斯 (Charles Boycott, 1832~1897)拒減堅持要佃戶按原訂數目交租。
*brisk /brɪsk/
adj. active and energetic (人、動作等)活潑敏捷的; cold but pleasantly invigorating (天氣、空氣等)清新的;涼爽的;令人振作的
【詞源】可能源自法語brusque,而brusque是一種帶硬尖刺的灌木名叫the butcher’s broom (假葉樹,是一種百合科長青小灌木),其葉狀枝可用作掃帚。從尖、尖酸引申為「寡言而無禮的」。借入法語後,從尖刺的灌木引申為「刺激的(sharp, pungent)」,進而有現在「敏捷的,活潑的」意思。
*bureaucracy /bjuˈrɑkrəsɪ/
n. a system of government by paid officials not elected by the people 官僚政治(作風);官僚體制; too much insistence on formalism or “red tape”繁文縟節
【推測詞義】源自於法文bureaucratie,是bureau (“cloth covering for a desk”延伸為“desk”或者“office”的意思) + 希臘字尾-kratia (rule統治的意思)。由辦公桌上的人物所組成
的統治力,意思便是官僚體制。源於古法語的burel,原指一種鋪在寫字檯上粗毛布料’coarse woolen cloth’。由許多寫字檯、辦公桌組成的機構,由此衍生出官僚政治。
【衍生詞】bureaucratic adj. having to do with a bureaucrat 官僚氣的;墨守成規的
bureaucrat n. an official in a bureaucracy (常為輕蔑語)(尤指墨守成規而不大運用其判斷力的)官僚
balmy /ˈbɑmɪ/
adj. soft and warm; mild; gentle (指氣候)溫和的;(空氣、微風等)宜人的;柔和的
【常用片語】a) balmy climate (溫和的氣候)
b) a balmy breeze 微風
barter /ˈbɑrtɚ/
v. to exchange goods for goods without using money; to trade 以物易物(與for連用);以(等價物品或勞務)作為交換
【推測詞義】源自古法文barater,表示「to deceive,to cheat」(欺騙)。物物交換的貿易,事後常有一方覺得受騙。
*basic /ˈbesɪk/
adj. fundamental; elementary 基本的,基礎的;primary; principal主要的;首要的
【推測詞義】踏或站在上面的東西(things to step or stand on),表示底座的,基礎的。
【常用片語】a) basic education 基礎教育;
b) basic wages基本工資;底薪
c) a basic concept 基本概念
*burdensome /ˈbɚdənsəm/
adj. difficult to bear or fulfill;very heavy ; oppressive; onerous難以負擔的;沉重的,繁重的
【常用片語】a) a burdensome load 沉重的擔子
b) burdensome duties 沉重的責任