*elastic /ɪˈlæstɪk/
adj. rubbery;resilient;pliant;flexible 有彈性的;有彈力的;能伸縮自如的
【衍生詞】elasticity n. the quality of being elastic 彈性;伸縮性
eschew /ɛsˈtʃu/
v. to avoid;to shun;to sidestep 避開(某種行為、食物等) (口語常用avoid);戒絕(惡習等)
【常用片語】(to) eschew rich foods (避免油膩的食物)
*establish /əˈstæ blɪʃ/
v. to set up;to create;to organize 建立,創辦;to prove;to demonstrate;to verify 證實,確立
【推測詞義】源自古法語establir,往上進而追溯至拉丁語stabilīre,意思是「使某物穩固於某一位置或某一情況(to make something firm)」。
【常用片語】(to) establish order (建立秩序)
speciāle (L) > especial (OF) > especial (E)
【常用句子】 establish屬於瞬間動詞(instantaneous uerbs),通常用過去簡單式,不用完成式。
The company has been established for twenty years. (誤)
The company was established twenty years ago. (正)
esoteric /ˌɛsəˈtɛrɪk/
adj. understood only by a select few;difficult to understand;abstruse;secret;confidential深奧難懂的;神秘的;not generally known 密傳的;只有少數入懂的
【常用片語】esoteric Buddhism 密宗
*essential /ɪˈsɛnʃəl/
adj. important;vital;crucial;absolutely necessary 精髓的;精華的;重要的,絕對必要的;basic;fundamental 本質的;實質的;基本的
【衍生詞】essence n. the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features本質,實質;要素;精華
【常用片語】essence of democracy (民主真諦)
【常用句子】 a) Food is essential to life. (食物對生命是絕對必要的。)
b) Being thoughtful of others is the essence of politeness. (體貼別人是禮貌的本質。)
【-cial / -tial】
這兩個形容詞後綴發音相同,都讀 /ʃəl/,但拼法不同,如何區別? 規則如下:
I. 名詞尾 -ce其前接輔音(consonant),轉類成形容詞,則接後綴-tial
confidence -> confidential
essence -> essential
substance -> substantial
finance -> financial
commerce -> commercial
province -> provincial
II. 名詞尾 -ce其前接元音(vowel),轉類成形容詞,則接 -cial
face -> facial
office -> official
artifice -> artificial
race -> racial
prejudice -> prejudicial
palace -> palatial
space -> spatial
【-ei / -ie】
這兩個發音也相同,都讀 / i /,但拼法不同,如何區別?
I. <ei>接在字母c之後
【例】ceiling, conceit, conceive, deceive, perceive, receipt
【例外】either, neither, seize
II. <ie>接在其他字母之後
【例】achieve, believe, chief, grief, niece, relief, siege, thief, yield,
*esteem /ɪˈstim/
n. high regard;respect;reverence;admiration 尊重;敬重;
v. to value highly;to have great regard for;to respect;to admire;to honor 尊重,尊敬
【推測詞義】借自中古法語estimer。往上進而追溯至拉丁語 aestimāre,意思是切割黃銅,鑄造錢幣(one who cuts copper mints money)。要切割多少黃銅,依幣值的大小而定,當然事先都要估算好。後詞義轉喻為人的價值愈高,就愈受「尊重;尊敬」。
【常用片語】 your school (貴校)
your esteemed school (誤)
v. /ˈɛstəmet/ n. /ˈɛstəmɪt/
v. to calculate roughly;to approximate;to evaluate;to judge 計算;估計;估價;評價
n. an approximate calculation;evaluation 估計;估價;估價值
【推測詞義】認為某物值多少錢。 esteem與estimate同源,屬於同源異形異義詞(doublets)
【常用片語】 a) by rough estimate (據粗略估計)
b) by somebody’s estimate (據某人估計)
【常用句子】Peace and honor could not be estimated in dollars. (和平和名譽不能用錢來計算。)
estrange / əˋstrendʒ /
v. to make unfriendly;to alienate;to separate 使感情冷淡;使疏遠;使隔離
【衍生詞】estranged adj. alienated;separated, especially emotionally 分離的;疏遠的;不和的
【常用片語】 a) an estranged couple (一對感情冷淡的夫妻。)
b) (to) be estranged from (和…疏遠;和…關係不和)
【常用句子】 a) The quarrel estranged John from his wife. (爭吵使得約翰與太太感情失和。)
b) John was estranged from his wife. (約翰與他太太感情失和。)
ethnic /ˈɛθnɪk/
adj. racial;genetic;cultural 種族的;人種的
【推測詞義】ethnic源於希臘語éthnos ‘race’ (種族)。ethnic通常作形容詞用,表示「種族的」。為避種族主義(racism)之嫌,有人用ethnic一詞來取代race和racial,race變成ethnic group (族群),racial pride (種族優越感)也變成ethnic pride。
【衍生詞】ethnology n. 人種學;民族學
【常用片語】 a) ethnic groups (族群)
b) ethnic discrimination (種族歧視)
c) ethnic identification (種族認同)
d) ethnic harmony (族群和諧)
enmity /ˈɛnmətɪ/
n. hostility;animosity;hatred;malevolence;antipathy;resentment敵意;惡意;憎恨;仇恨
【常用片語】at enmity with each other 反目相向
【注意】enmity與amity (n. 友善,和睦)在語意上和拼字上的差異。
*entire /ɪnˈtaɪɚ/
adj. complete;whole;total;sole;full 全體的,全部的
【衍生詞】entirety n. completeness 全體;全部